Heracleion - Wikipedia
Heracleion (Ancient Greek: Ἡράκλειον Hērákleion), also known as Thonis (Ancient Greek: Θῶνις Thônis; from the Ancient Egyptian: Tȝ-ḥn.t; Coptic: Ⲧϩⲱⲛⲓ Thōni, Coptic pronunciation: …
Heracleon - Wikipedia
Heracleon was a Gnostic who flourished about AD 175, probably in the south of Italy. He is the author of the earliest known commentary on a book that would eventually be included in the …
Heracleon - Commentary on the Gospel of John - Gnosis
The first known Gospel commentary was a commentary on the Gospel of John written around 170 AD. It was authored by a prominent Gnostic Christian and disciple of Valentinus, Heracleon. …
Discovering the Heracleion's Lost City: Meeting Myth Beneath the …
Mar 6, 2023 · Almost 1,200 years ago, the Mediterranean Sea engulfed the city of Heracleion off the coast of Egypt. Before it sank more than a thousand years ago, it was one of the most …
Heracleon | Gnostic Teacher, Alexandrian School & Valentinianism ...
Heracleon (flourished 2nd century ad) was a leader of the Italian school of Gnosticism, a dualistic doctrine of rival deities conceiving of salvation as an elitist enlightenment by secret knowledge, …
Heracleion – Discovery of the Ancient Sunken Egyptian City
Jan 31, 2017 · The preeminent Egyptian port, Thonis-Heracleion, was lost at the bottom of the sea for 1300 years. The Egyptian city of Thonis-Heracleion was the main port of entry to the …
Heracleion, the Ancient Egyptian City That Sank into the Sea
May 23, 2020 · Heracleion is located in the middle of the Egyptian coastline, in the Mediterranean Sea. Its strategic location made it the most important city in ancient Egypt, as it served as the …
The Fantastic Underwater Discovery of Heracleion - The …
Mar 26, 2020 · This is the city where Paris and Helen hid before the Trojan War and the city that hosted Herakles. Four hundred years later, Strabo, the Greek geographer and historian, wrote …
Heracleon - Early Christian Writings
Heracleon on Early Christian Writings: the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, and Church Fathers: information and translations of Gospels, Epistles, and documents of early Christianity.
Fragments of Heracleon
Information on Fragments of Heracleon. These fragments are from a commentary by Heracleon, a Valentinian gnostic of the late second century. They are quoted by Origen in his own …