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Sort-of Blind Item: Who is This "Deluded 1960s Starlet"? - the Data …
Jun 26, 2019 · I read the initial post last night and I was thinking Hope Lange or Diane Varsi, but Diane Baker is the perfect fit. HillPlace has a great blog--besides the Adam 12 and 60s starlet entries, I liked the one on Charlie's Angels.
Golden Age of Hollywood Gossip - the Data Lounge
Jan 19, 2020 · During the 1961 filming of “A Pocket Full of Miracles”, Hope Lange was given a better dressing room than Bette Davis. Hope was dating Glenn Ford at the time. She felt Bette’s antagonism. Frank Capra, the Director, told Hope that Bette Davis was “delicate spirited”. Hope replied, “Bette Davis is as delicate spirited as a Sherman Tank!”