Phantom Pain Story Analysis - Is Huey REALLY a traitor? Part 1
Huey Emmerich is a character who appeared in the previous work, Peace Walker, and was rescued by Big Boss and became a colleague at Mother Base. In the MGS series, he is also …
What happened, Huey? From a well meaning scientist who wanted …
Mar 9, 2022 · Even after Paz turned it against him, after his own efforts to strengthen it made it a more dangerous fight, after MAD nearly destroyed the world once during the game already, …
Lets talk about Huey Emmerich. Massive spoilers! [MGSV Spoilers]
Sep 14, 2015 · Huey is an awful father, once attempting to put Hal in Sahelanthropus. Then later on in life attempting to drown his step daughter. Hal is shown to have great concern over …
ELI5: Huey in MGSV and what I'm supposed to think, because
Sep 26, 2015 · After every other character in every other MGS game simultaneously being a protagonist, antagonist, secret agent, octuple agent, and god knows what else, Kojima just …
Why do people hate Huey so much? : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
Jun 4, 2020 · Because hes a backstabbing cuck? He sold out MSF (the first mother base [MGS:Peace Walker - MGSV:Ground Zeroes]) to Cipher (Chapter 1's main antagonist), he …
The Emmerichs story is extremely disturbing. Spoilers for MGS
Dec 18, 2016 · Huey falls in love with a woman named "Strangelove" in Peace Walker. Strangelove is at least a few years old than Huey in Peace Walker- she remembers Nazi air …
Sep 26, 2015 · So I read somewhere that you get lots of Demon points for killing Quiet and Huey. When I defeated Quiet I had the opportunity to kill her right there. But with Huey I got no such …
HOW TO EXILE HUEY!!! - Steam Community
Oct 15, 2015 · I think I ran an extra side op or two and then got contacted by Miller (or Ocelot kinda hard to tell the two without subs) that I needed to get back to base ASAP.
Why does Huey turned so bad in MGSV? : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
Oct 18, 2021 · Kojima had already established that Huey was awful in MGS2, long before the prequels where we see him actually do horrible things. He is designed so you'll give him the …
No matter how much of a bastard he was, Huey was right about
May 16, 2022 · Despite was MGS 5 wants you think of Huey as a bastard. I can not really can not (he still is because of strangelove) a real bastard. I think MGS5 is trying to live up to the …