Itzamna - Wikipedia
In the month of Zip, Itzamná was invoked as one of the gods of medicine, and in the month of Mac, he was venerated by the very old on a par with the Chaacs, the rain deities. In the cycle of four years, one year was under the patronage of Itzamná. Itzamná was an active creator god, as is shown by the following.
The Mayan Pantheon: The Many Gods of the Maya
Jul 7, 2012 · Chac The supreme god of storms and rain and associated with agriculture and fertility. He was known as the Lord of the Rains and Winds and maintained important water sources such as cenotes, wells, streams, and springs.
15 Mayan Gods and Goddesses You Need to Know About - Tulum …
Mar 22, 2024 · While I won’t list all Mayan god names in their entirety here, some of the most important deities include Itzamná, Kukulkan and Chac Mool (sometimes spelled as Chac-Mool, Chaalk or Chacmool).
NAMES OF MAYAN GODS: Hunab Ku, Chaac, Itzamná, Pawahtun
Itzamná: god of heaven. Ix Chel: moon goddess. The were characterized by being fantastic beings with infinite power, these deities could manifest themselves in any form, adopting the qualities of humans, animals, objects, plants and even the astral and supernatural aspects of ancient Mayan mythology.
Maya gods and goddesses - CuriousPort
Aug 3, 2023 · Ixchel or Chak Chel, also spelled Ix Chel was the goddess of the Moon, childbirth, healing, and medicine. Some sources suggest that she was possibly a female manifestation of the god Itzamna, but others suggest that she is his wife.
Mayan Gods and Goddesses Explained: Key Deities, Myths, and …
Sep 7, 2024 · Itzamna, the son of Hunab Ku, is revered as the creator god of wisdom within the Maya pantheon. Often depicted as a toothless old man with a large nose, Itzamna’s appearance symbolizes his deep connection to knowledge and wisdom.
Mayan Mythology - Myth Encyclopedia - god, names, ancient, …
The rain god, a major figure in all Mesoamerican mythologies, was called Chac by the Maya. He was often portrayed as a fisherman or as a figure with the features of a fish or reptile. Like Itzamná and other Mayan deities, Chac could appear in four forms, each associated with a particular color and compass direction.
Ancient Mayan Gods and Goddesses - Mythical Encyclopedia
Itzamna was believed to have created the universe, the earth, and all living beings. Another important god was Chac, the god of rain and lightning. He was often depicted with a reptilian head and a large nose, which was believed to represent a raindrop.
Mayan Pantheon Insights: How Deities Influenced Daily Life
Feb 5, 2025 · Some of the principal deities include: Itzamná: The creator god associated with wisdom, the sky, and the day. Chac: The rain god responsible for agriculture and fertility. Tezcatlipoca: A god of war and the night, often associated with power struggles. Ah Puch: The god of death and the underworld.
Worship and Rituals: How the Mayans Honored Their Gods
Feb 5, 2025 · Itzamná: The supreme god, associated with creation, wisdom, and the sky. Kukulkán: The feathered serpent god, representing wind, storms, and rain. Chac: The rain god, pivotal for agriculture and fertility. Ah Puch: The god of …