is intraventricular conduction delay ecg serious? - HealthTap
Jan 6, 2021 · Since the purkinje fibers are within the endocardium & endocardial muscle always has the most tenuous blood supply of all heart muscle, IVCD is commonly the most …
can you tell me in a routine ekg, the doctor said i had an
Nov 27, 2017 · Can you tell me in a routine ekg, the doctor said i had an non-specific intraventricular conduction delay with normal st segme? A doctor has provided 1 answer Dr. …
Is normal sinus rhythm with non specific ivcd serious
i just had an ecg heart tracing done. the lady said it looks okay. but i noticed it says normal sinus rhythm. normal ecg. non specific st abnormality. what does non specific st abnormality mean?: …
what can cause intraventricular conduction delay? - HealthTap
May 13, 2018 · Intraventricular del: IVCD can be caused by anatomic or physiologic factors which would slow electrical conduction in the ventricles. Scar tissue, infiltration of abnormal tissue, …
i have a heart check pen that reads single lead ecg. keeps
Sep 28, 2016 · Since your EKG recently was normal it's quite possible your "heart check pen" is giving you a false reading. IVCD refers to intra-ventricular conduction delay. The AV node …
My ecg result reads "sinus rhythm - HealthTap
Sep 24, 2017 · IVCD: Intraventricular conduction delay indicates that part of the ECG tracing, the QRS complex, is wider than normal. It is not necessarily a significant finding, but one study did …
what does sinus rhythm with nonspecific intraventricular …
Mar 11, 2019 · EKG result Sinus rhythm with possible premature atrial complexes with aberrant conduction . ST abnormality possible digitalis effect .
What is a sinus rhythm with a right bundle branch block?
Jul 8, 2013 · Wiring of heart: Sinus rhythm means that the electrical activity that controls the contraction of the heart, starts in the sinus node. Right bundle branch block means that the …
Ekg says normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific st abnormality
Jan 6, 2021 · Ekg says normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific st abnormality, abnormal ecg, what does this mean? A doctor has ...
Resting EKG shows sinus rhythm with nonspecific ST and T
Mean anything? normal sinus rhythm nonspecific st and t wave abnormality abnormal ekg when compared with ekg of (date/time), premature ventricular complexes are no longer present t …