JBL 2240H - 2245H Voice Coil - audioheritage.org
JBL 2240H - 2245H Voice Coil Little sunday question , have 2240H + 2245H the same voice coils? Whats about ...
What to do with a 2240H - audioheritage.org
Hello, I picked up a 2240H for $5 at a yard sale and have been pondering what to do with it for the past few months. I've read that it is really more for sound reinforcement applications than for home theater and I also read that it can be used in similar alignments as the 2242H.
JBL 2240 vs 2241 vs 2242 vs 2245 (H) - audioheritage.org
Sep 9, 2012 · I use two 2240H in a 4642a enclosure for "hifi" use in my living room (my "sattelite" is 4530/2226, 2360a/2445, Beyma TPL150, but that's another story) and finde it very usefull. The frequency range is crossed from 25Hz to 66Hz where the side sattelites take over.
2245H reconed as 2240H what is the result - audioheritage.org
JBL 2240H #24026 2240H #24010 Fs 31.68hz ---31.2hz Qes .32 ---.31 Qms 7.2--- 6.8 Qts .31 ---.3 Le .87mH--- .87mH It will take me a few weeks and break them in before they each get their own 8 cubic ft ported cabs for LF duty between 40hz and 200hz. My room is so small that I don't worry about loading down below 35hz.
JBL 2240H RECONE SET - audioheritage.org
Hello. Were can i buy these original jbl 2240H 18'' recone sets? And what is a normal price?
Altec 604-8G + JBL 2240... - audioheritage.org
The JBL 2240H could be in something like 8cu' ported box tuned to 35hz ( with a 3rd order LowPass filter set to roll-off a 50hz ) . ( IMHO ) I also believe it would be a pretty bad idea for an inexperienced builder to put it all into one mammoth cabinet without being able to know it will all work first ( by using test cabinets ).
Jbl Mi 632 Info??? - audioheritage.org
Sep 2, 2009 · The info I have from JBL's vintage site is that they are 150w/300w 2 way speakers. Looking at them I see what I SWEAR is an 18" woofer and a horn driver and two square ported holes near the top beside the horn. The 18" (even though JBL says it is a 15") is recessed with a metal mesh grill cover.
JBL 2240 vs 2245 question - audioheritage.org
This is the most likely to JBL spec 2245H re-cone I have come across so far: Hi Tom, I do sell a reproduction recone kit for the JBL 2245H. It's listed on eBay with detailed photos but I can sell it directly to you as well. I bill though a PayPal invoice to your email. Here's the listing with a complete description.
2240H Recone - audioheritage.org
Nov 28, 2003 · Hello JBL Fanatics! A short and I think easy (for you) question: Can a 2240H be reconed to a 2245H? Thanks for
JBL Control 1 summertime project surround array and more!
Jun 18, 2006 · JBL 4645, has been loaded with a newer JBL sub bass driver, the JBL 2240H. 18" 600 watts program power, sensitivity 98db frequency down to 18Hz cut-off 80Hz. Maximum SPL that I usual play it at 115dbc, can go to 120dbc! Its great with the film Earthquake in Dolby Digital 5.1 (((Sensurround))) now with split-surrounds!