DIY JBL 4344 project - audioheritage.org
I started a JBL 4344 DIY project and at the moment collecting the original drivers from The Netherlands, Germany and Austria. It is going well. Next step is the cabinet. I tried to find …
4344 Mk2 - audioheritage.org
May 21, 2003 · People have mentioned that the JBL 4344's from the japanese market were of a different design in the crossovers or drivers. the pair of JBL 4344's we have came from japan …
Building the 4345/4344 - audioheritage.org
Under Construction This thread will be dedicated to those members wishing to construct the vintage JBL 4345/4344 Professional Series Studio Monitors. Over the next few weeks I will …
Discussion Thread JBL 4343 to 4344 upgrade - Page 9
This crossover is even more advanced and has different characteristics to match the 4344 drivers. The 3145 network however uses parts no longer avaialble. Fortunately there is an equivalent …
Clone JBL 4344 - audioheritage.org
Finally this is diy and starting off you won’t always have all the exact drivers. But for the purposes of naming conventions and to avoid confusion your project is a diy 4 way monitor based on the …
JBL 4344 Clones - Page 6 - audioheritage.org
Dec 1, 2016 · Here some picture of the JBL 4344s I recently finished. I’d like to start by thanking all the DIY’s who post in this forum as without your contributions my project would not have …
4343 vs 4344 vs homemade - audioheritage.org
Jul 31, 2007 · Acquire the 4344 and discover for yourself. I could be wrong but the 4344 was destined for the Japanese market (thats where most of the production went) so you won't read …
Discussion Thread JBL 4343 to 4344 upgrade - audioheritage.org
Thread: Discussion Thread JBL 4343 to 4344 upgrade. Thread Tools. Show Printable Version; 07-21-2005, 07: ...
JBL 4344 - General production speaker or niche market
However, I cannot seem to find any JBL pro documentation of the 4344 (not MKII) speaker. I can only find the 4343 and 4345 in the Library. Was the 4344 aimed specifically to the Japanese …
4344 Mk II network - audioheritage.org
Comparison of 2405 voltage drives in various JBL Studio Monitors: The 0.16 mH tapped autotransformer used in the 4344/4345 and 4355 is the same core with three taps. In the …