Lockheed JC-130 - The Aviation Zone
Primary Role: Mid-air retrieval. The early-1960s era Corona reconnaissance satellite returned delicate film capsules to Earth that required mid-air retrieval by a JC-130 Hercules & HC-130 airlifter. These aircraft were manned by a crew of 10 personnel (two pilots, one flight engineer, two telemetry operators, one winch operator and four riggers).
Lockheed C-130 Hercules - Wikipedia
The Lockheed C-130 Hercules is an American four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft designed and built by Lockheed (now Lockheed Martin). Capable of using unprepared runways for takeoffs and landings, the C-130 was originally designed as a troop, medevac, and cargo transport aircraft.
GAMBIT 1 KH-7 Film Recovery Vehicle - National Museum of the …
Satellite catching gear deployed from an Air Force C-119J. These aircraft recovered CORONA satellite film capsules beginning in 1960, and later gave way to the faster, more powerful C-130 Hercules aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo)
Lockheed RC-130 Hercules - Wikipedia
The Lockheed RC-130 Hercules are retired variants of the C-130 Hercules, designed for photographic or electronic reconnaissance missions. [1]
C-130J Super Hercules | Lockheed Martin
Discover the C-130J-30, a stretch version of the highly reliable and affordable C-130J airlifter, offering extended capabilities for versatile operations. The Lockheed Martin HC-130J Combat King II is the U.S. Air Force's only dedicated fixed-wing personnel recovery platform and is flown by Air Combat Command (ACC).
Built on the legacy of the basic C-130 design, the C-130J-30 has an additional 15 feet/4.6 meters of space in its unobstructed, fully-pressurized cargo hold that can be rapidly reconfigured for the carriage of troops, stretchers, passengers, or airdrops of troops and/or equipment into battle zones. The high wing design places the cargo floor
Airborne satellite retriever - C-130 Historical - C-130 Hercules.net ...
Dec 1, 2013 · Evidently a C-130B was modified to JC-130 configuration for use as an ‘airborne satellite retriever’. How was it supposed to work? Did it ever retrieve a falling satellite?
C-130 History - Lockheed Martin
Discover the unparalleled significance of the C-130 Hercules, a legendary cargo plane that has shaped aviation history. Explore its remarkable contributions.
C-130.net - The ultimate C-130 Hercules reference
Reflecting on the past: The 911th Airlift Wing's journey with the C-130 Hercules; C-130 Hercules 70 Years Strong and Growing; Nevada ANG Activated for Firefighting to assist in the greater Los Angeles area; Wyoming National Guard activates C-130s to fight LA wildfires; Marshall extends support contracts for Danish and Norwegian C-130 fleets
C-130.net - The ultimate C-130 Hercules reference
First production C-130 rolled out on March 10, 1955 at Marietta, Georgia. First flight was on April 7, 1955. On third flight, May 14, 1955 due to a fuel leak, the right wing caught fire and was burnt off.