Jolteon generation 6 move learnset & egg move parents (X, Y, …
This page lists all the moves that Jolteon can learn in Generation 6, which consists of these games: Pokémon X; Pokémon Y; Pokémon Omega Ruby; Pokémon Alpha Sapphire; At the bottom we also list further details for egg moves: which compatible Pokémon can pass down the moves, and how those Pokémon learn said move.
Jolteon Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations
Pokédex entry for #135 Jolteon containing stats, moves learned, evolution chain, location and more!
Jolteon - Generation 8 learnset - Pokémon Database
All the moves that #135 Jolteon can learn in Generation 8 (Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus), plus for its egg moves, compatible parents and breeding details.
What is a good moveset for Jolteon? - PokéBase Pokémon Answers
Jul 22, 2010 · With access to a Tera Type and Calm Mind, Jolteon is actually pretty good in NU. Calm Mind boosts Jolteon's Special Attack and Special Defense, allowing Jolteon to break through teams. Thunderbolt is used for a powerful Electric STAB.
What is a good moveset for Jolteon? - PokéBase Pokémon Answers
Jul 22, 2010 · Tera Fairy lets Jolteon resist Sucker Punch, which is useful to help against Pokemon using Sucker Punch to pick off Jolteon. With Tera Blast Fairy, Jolteon can still hit Goodra super effectively. Leftovers is used to help get some HP back after using Substitute.
Jolteon sprites gallery - Pokémon Database
Gallery of Jolteon sprites from each Pokémon game, including male/female differences, shiny Pokémon and back sprites.
What is the most useful Eeveelution in X and Y ... - Pokémon …
Jan 1, 2014 · If you need Electric coverage, use a Jolteon. If you have a Lapras that works well, there's no need to raise a Vaporeon. If we judge objectively by availability, positive matchups, movepool, and stats (without having other team members already chosen), then the best Eeveelution is probably Espeon .
Which Eevee Evolution is the strongest? - Pokémon Database
Jul 26, 2010 · Jolteon is likely the best Eeveelution in OU in RBY, RSE, and DPP. In GSC, Jolteon is usually outclassed by Raikou and Vaporeon is the best. Jolteon is less outclassed in RSE and DPP because it outspeeds Dugtrio and gets baton pass, so the answer might want to mention that. All the Eeveelutions are probably useless in the newer OUs.
Raichu or Jolteon for Pokemon FireRed in-game teams?
Jul 9, 2016 · When looking at base stats, Raichu only edges Jolteon out in Attack, a stat that isn't entirely useful when it comes to Pokemon that learn mostly Electric-type moves. Not only does Jolteon have better Special Attack, it also has better Special Defense and Speed by …
Jolteon generation 1 move learnset (Red, Blue, Yellow)
This page lists all the moves that Jolteon can learn in Generation 1, which consists of these games: Pokémon Red; Pokémon Blue; Pokémon Yellow; Note: many moves have changed stats over the years. The power, accuracy and other information listed below is as it was in the respective games.