Chondrakha (Prime Earth) | DC Database | Fandom
Lord Chondrakha, also called Kamo, is an ancient Hawaiian deity from a remote Hawaiian island. He was revered as a god by the surrounding population. He is also the father of King Shark.
Shark God (disambiguation) | DC Database | Fandom
The Shark God, also known as Kamo and Lord Chondrakha, is the father of King Shark and an ancient deity from a remote Hawaiian island, where he was revered as a god by the …
Kamo (Character) - Comic Vine
Kamo is an ancient Hawaiian deity, or just thinks he is. Originally from a remote Hawaiian island and revered as a god by the surrounding population, women were brought to his island...
kamo-dc.com - かも歯科クリニック
かも歯科クリニックは、新潟県新潟市中央区幸西にある歯医者さん。 院長は女医、その他スタッフ全員が女性の歯科医院。
OMAC (comics) - Wikipedia
The OMACs are cyborgs, human bodies transformed by a virus into living machines to assassinate any and all beings with superpowers. The virus was created from Brainiac-13 's …
Kamo (Prime Earth) - DC Comics - League of Comic Geeks
Kamo is an ancient Hawaiian deity from a remote Hawaiian island. He was revered as a god by the surrounding population. He is also the father of King Shark. After learning of the existence …
Kamo (DC Legends) | DC Database | Fandom
Kamo is a Hawaiian shark deity. The Shark God was captured by Amanda Waller. In the process, she kidnapped his son and raised him away from Kamo. This character or object is an …
Kamo (DC) - Mudae Wiki
Kamo (DC) is a rollable animanga husbando primarily in the DC series in Mudae. Kamo (DC) Lord Chondrakha Kamohoalii Shark God Chondrakha Kamo the Cutter of Waves The Teeth of the …
院長ご挨拶 | かも歯科 - kamo-dc.com
患者様が気軽に来院されて相談、治療、健診をうけていただけるようにスタッフ一同心がけています。 健康であるためには、自分の歯で美味しく楽しく食べられることがとても大事です …
10 Things You Didn't Know About DC's King Shark - CBR
Jun 22, 2020 · King Shark is actually the son of a Hawaiin shark god, known as Kamo. This means in many ways King Shark is actually a demi-god, making his origin quite mystical.