Kanjar - Wikipedia
In Pakistan, two distinct communities go by the name Kanjari. Over the centuries they became associated with the profession of peripatetic craftsmen and entertainers, best known for the terracotta toys they produce.
Kanjar - Encyclopedia.com
Kanjar are an ancient, widely dispersed, and endogamous population of nomadic artisans and entertainers spread throughout Southwest Asia.
Kanjar - History and Cultural Relations - World Culture …
Kanjar figure in local traditions and folklore and practically all villages and urban centers are visited by them at least twice each year. The nature of their peripatetic subsistence activities and ethnic pride govern Kanjar relations with client Communities.
Kanjar Tribe, History, State, Dance - Vajiram & Ravi
The Kanjar are a nomadic tribe or group of people of North India, Kashmir, and Pakistan. They are most concentrated in the fertile and more densely populated areas of the Indus River valley and the Punjab.
Kanjar - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kanjar are a nomadic tribe or group of people of North India, Kashmir and Pakistan. [1] The Mirasi tribes are also probably related to them. These people are also sometimes called by the names of Nath, Banchra and Gashtay. [2] Old photograph of Kashmiri dancing girl of the Kanjar tribe, by Samuel Bourne, 1860s
Kanjari language - Wikipedia
Kanjari (also known as Kangar Bhat, Kangri, Kuchbandhi or "the Gypsy language" [2]) is an unclassified Indic tribal language of Pakistan and India, associated with the Muslim Kanjar tribe. Kanjari is spoken in Punjab in Pakistan and in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan in India. [2] It may be one of the Punjabi languages. [3]
Kanjar - Orientation - World Culture Encyclopedia
Kanjar are an ancient, widely dispersed, and endogamous population of nomadic artisans and entertainers spread throughout Southwest Asia. They are widely known as singers, dancers, musicians, operators of carnival-type rides, and prostitutes; they are best known for the small terra-cotta toys they manufacture and hawk door-to-door through ...
Kanjar - World Culture Encyclopedia
"Kanjar Social Organization." In The Other Nomads: Peripatetic Minorities in Cross Cultural Perspective, edited by Aparna Rao, 247-265. Cologne: Bohlau Verlag.
Kanjar - Bharatpedia
Kanjar is a hindu tribe with significant populations in India and Pakistan. The Kanjari language is spoken mostly by the Kanjari people living mostly in Lahore. Kanjari is a lesser-known Indo Aryan language, but almost all also speak Punjabi.
Oct 17, 2024 · KANJAR TRIBE. Origin of Name: The term “Kanjar” is derived from Kananachara, meaning wandering in the forest. Region: Primarily resides in the Hadoti region. Occupation: Known historically for criminal activities. Ritual: Before committing a crime, they perform a ritual called Pati Manga, where they seek blessings from their deities. Deities: