Karakasa kozō - Yokai.com
Appearance: These silly looking yōkai are transformations of Chinese-style oiled-paper umbrellas. They have a single large eye, a long, protruding tongue, and either one or two legs upon which they hop around wildly. Behavior: Karakasa kozō are not particularly fearsome as far as yōkai go.
Kasa-obake - Wikipedia
Kasa-obake (Japanese: 傘おばけ)[2][3] are a mythical ghost or yōkai in Japanese folklore. They are sometimes, but not always, considered a tsukumogami that old umbrellas turn into. They are also called " karakasa-obake " (から傘おばけ), [2][4] " kasa-bake " (傘化け), [5] and " karakasa kozō " (唐傘小僧).
Karakasa - TV Tropes
"Come on, take me, get out of the rain..." The karakasa-obake (唐傘おばけ " Tang umbrella ghost"), also known as kasa-obakenote and (kara)kasa-kozō note , is a Japanese fantastic creature with the body of a karakasa - an old oiled-paper Chinese umbrella.
Karakasa-kozo (A Japanese popular monster)
Karakasa-kozo (It is also inscribed in different manners such as in all hiragana, one of the Japanese phonetic characters, or in all kanji, Chinese characters) is a yokai (supernatural beings) into which an old umbrella changed. It is also called karakasa-obake, kasa-obake, and kasa-bake, all of which mean a Japanese popular monster.
Kasa-Obake | Cryptid Wiki | Fandom
The Kasa-Obake, also called Karakasa-Obake, Kasa-Bake, or Karakasa Kozo, is an umbrella ghost, or yokai, originating from Japanese folklore. The Kasa-Obake is an old or broken umbrella that turned into a ghost, usually with one eye, one leg, and a long tongue. Other variations depict it with arms and two feet.
Kasa-obake - Monstropedia
Karakasa (唐傘, "Chinese umbrella"), or Kasa Obake, are a type of Tsukumogami, ghosts in Japanese mythology. Like others Tsukumogami Kasa-obake become animate when reaching their 100th year of existence. Karakasa in particular are Spirits of Parasols (umbrellas).
Karakasa | RangerWiki | Fandom
Karakasa (カラカサ Karakasa) or also known as the Chinese Umbrella Queen (中国傘の女王 Chūgoku Kasa no Joō) is a Karakasa and umbrella-themed Yokai. She captured Saizo and Seikai and forced them to dance with the Dorodoros. With a little help from Hakamenrou and Ninjaman her spell was broken.
Karakasa-Kozō | Yokai Wiki | Fandom
Karakasa-Kozō: Information Romanized: Karakasa-Kozō: Kanji: 唐傘小僧 Kana: からかさこぞう Meaning: Umbrella priest boy: Other names: Karakasa-Obake, Kasa ...
Karakasa | Touhou Wiki - Fandom
"Ghost Umbrella") is a type of Tsukumogami, a spirit in Japanese folk legend that originate from inanimate objects. When the objects reach their 100 year anniversary, they become animate. Karakasa are the same thing, except they are umbrellas or parasols.
Karakasa - Formless - RO Monster (Pre-re) - RateMyServer.Net
Look up Karakasa's spawn location on iRO / kRO, spawn amount and spawn time. Where to find Karakasa. Karakasa's item drop, stats, hit, flee, range, speed, race, element, size, base exp, job exp, hp and sp.
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