Aoraki - Ancestral Mountain - Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua
Apr 6, 2016 · Kia tuohu koe me he mauka teitei, ko Aoraki anake – If you must bow your head, then let it be to a lofty mountain . Aoraki was the son of Rakinui, the sky father. Along with his brothers he left the heavens in a canoe to visit Papatūānuku. They explored the earth and the seas, sailing their powerful Waka through the dark empty Southern oceans.
Understanding Aoraki | Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
According to our Ngāi Tahu creation story, Aoraki is the eldest son of Raki (the Sky Father). Aoraki and his brothers brought the canoe (Te Waka o Aoraki) down from the heavens to visit Papatūānuku (the Earth Mother) – their stepmother.
Aoraki | Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
Once the Crown has gifted Aoraki to Ngāi Tahu the tribe will gift Aoraki to the nation as an enduring symbol of their commitment to the co-management of areas of high historic, cultural and conservation value. The first step in the process will be for the Crown to vest the title to Aoraki in Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
Aoraki Mount Cook Guided Ascent - Alpine Guides, Aoraki Mount Cook …
The spectacular peaks of the Aoraki/Mount Cook region have attracted climbers from all over the world since the 1890s. Climbing Aoraki Mount Cook (NZ's highest peak - 3,724 metres) is a long, physically demanding challenge for experienced mountaineers.
Aoraki / Mount Cook - Wikipedia
Aoraki / Mount Cook is a technically challenging mountain with a high level of glaciation. Its level of difficulty is often underestimated and can change dramatically depending on weather, snow and ice conditions.
Our History - Te Taumutu Rūnanga
Ko Rākaihautū te takata nāna i tīmata te ahi ki ruka ki tēnei motu. Rākaihautū was the man who lit the fires of occupation on this island. The first people to settle on Te Waka o Aoraki, also known as Te Waipounamu and the South Island, came aboard the waka Uruao, captained by …
<i>He Mauka Teitei</i>, <i>Ko Aoraki</i>, The Loftiest of …
Through its name, Aoraki/Mt. Cook maintains Indigenous Māori and Western perspectives: Aoraki being a Māori atua (god) and Captain James Cook being a significant colonial figure in the Pacific. The slash upholds both identities while ensuring that they exist together.
Aoraki - Wikipedia
I pōhēhē rātou ‘ko te maunga e titi ana ki ngā rangi’. Heoi, e ai ki ngā tohunga whakapapa o Kāi Tahu, he tangata kē a Aoraki, he tino tupuna nō rātou, kei Hawaiki e noho ana. Tērā te wā e hoe ana a Aoraki me ana teina, tuākana i Te Moananui-a-Kiwa; ka tūpoki tō rātou waka. I te tahuritanga o te waka, ka piki a Aoraki ki te ...
Wild NZ: Aoraki … and the brothers of Ka Tiritiri o te Moana ...
ACCORDING TO MAORI LEGEND, Aoraki was one of the sons of Ranginui, the Sky Father (or ‘Rakinui’ in the Ngai Tahu dialect). On a voyage down from the heavens to visit their stepmother, Papatuanuku (the Earth Mother), Aoraki and his three brothers became stranded on a reef.
Apr 4, 2024 · What has been new learning for you? A virtual field trip to Aoraki Mount Cook National Park, an area that bears names of great significance to Ngāi Tahu. Discover more, connect with experts, explore the field trip videos, take the Google Earth for Web tour to Aoraki.