Kouprey - Wikipedia
The kouprey (Bos sauveli), also known as the forest ox and grey ox, is a possibly extinct species of forest-dwelling wild bovine native to Southeast Asia. It was first scientifically described in 1937.
Kouprey | Endangered Wild Ox of Southeast Asia | Britannica
kouprey, (Bos sauveli), elusive wild ox (tribe Bovini, family Bovidae) of Indochina and one of the world’s most endangered large mammals, if it is not already extinct.
Kouprey - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The kouprey (Bos sauveli), also known as the forest ox and grey ox, is a possibly extinct species of forest-dwelling wild bovine native to Southeast Asia. It was first scientifically described in 1937.
Kouprey Animal Facts - Bos sauveli - A-Z Animals
May 27, 2024 · The kouprey (also known as the Cambodian forest ox or wild forest ox) is a type of ox that is native to Southeast Asia. They are the national animal of Cambodia and mainly dwell …
Kouprey - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The kouprey (Bos sauveli, Khmer: គោព្រៃ, Koŭprey, "forest ox"; also known as kouproh, "grey ox") is a little-known, forest-dwelling, wild bovine species native to Southeast Asia. A young male was …
Kouprey - WWF
The kouprey is a wild forest-dwelling ox with a tall narrow body, either grey, dark brown, or black in colour. Size Height: up to 2m at the shoulder Weight: average 900kg Population and …
Kouprey: The Ultimate Mystery Mammal - Cool Green Science
Nov 8, 2021 · Consider this: The kouprey is a large wild animal with spectacular horns that can weigh 1,500 pounds. It’s Cambodia’s national animal. While mysterious, it’s no bigfoot: there …
The kouprey: on the trail of Cambodia’s elusive wild cattle
Sep 19, 2022 · The kouprey’s image is not hard to find in Cambodia. The kouprey statues along the driveway of Cambodia’s national zoo, and on roundabouts at Phnom Penh’s historic Wat …
Kouprey - WWF
The Kouprey is a species of wild cattle endemic to Cambodia, where it is the national mammal. Its name is derived from Khmer and means Forest Ox. The Kouprey has probably always been …
Kouprey - Animal Info
Oct 29, 2005 · The kouprey inhabits low, rolling hills, covered by a mosaic of open forest (dry dipterocarp forest) and savannah adjacent to denser monsoon forest, a habitat that has been …