Graphic Standards - Lee County Electric Cooperative
LCEC adheres to specific graphic standards in order to maintain consistency. Our guidelines provide important information about trademark use, user support and branding. Graphic Standards Guidelines. In order to ensure uniform use of the LCEC logos, please maintain the image fidelity with all uses.
LCEC - Lee County Electric Cooperative - People. Power. Possibilities.
LCEC is a not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative providing reliable and cost competitive electricity to more than 240,000 customers in Southwest Florida.
LCEC’s branding includes our logo, color schemes, domain name, motto, tag line and image. It is important that the online and offline images of our company should be harmonious:
Login - Lee County Electric Cooperative
© Lee County Electric Cooperative, 2024 The LCEC self-service Credit/Debit Card Payment options will temporarily be unavailable Thursday, March 13th from 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. due to system maintenance.
SmartHub - LCEC – Lee County Electric Cooperative
With LCEC SmartHub you can manage your electric account safely and securely online or from your mobile device. There are a variety of ways to utilize SmartHub and we continue to add more features for your convenience!
shirts with an LCEC logo on it. No matter what the tactic, they are all relentless in their attempts to con honest people out of money/and or personal information.
payment options - LCEC – Lee County Electric Cooperative
• Checking/savings account payments are FREE and can post immediately to your LCEC account or be scheduled for a later date. • Credit/debit card payments made before 4 p.m. post to your LCEC account within six hours.
SmartHub FAQ - LCEC – Lee County Electric Cooperative
SmartHub is the LCEC Bill Pay and Customer Service tool. You can access it online or through the mobile app.
SmartHub FAQ - Lee County Electric Cooperative
Click here to access SmartHub or you can locate SmartHub at www.lcec.net. REGISTER AS A NEW USER if you do not have a SmartHub account. Your past LCEC Account Access information will no longer work in SmartHub. You need your billing account number, last name or business name, and e-mail address.
ABOUT LCEC - LCEC – Lee County Electric Cooperative
LCEC is a not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative providing reliable and cost competitive electricity to more than 240,000 customers in Southwest Florida. As part of a local business, LCEC’s employees are deeply involved in economic development, education, the environment and building communities.