Lamprey - Wikipedia
Lampreys / ˈ l æ m p r eɪ z / (sometimes inaccurately called lamprey eels) are a group of jawless fish comprising the order Petromyzontiformes / ˌ p ɛ t r oʊ m ɪ ˈ z ɒ n t ɪ f ɔːr m iː z /. The adult …
Sea lamprey - Wikipedia
The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) is a parasitic lamprey native to the Northern Hemisphere. It is sometimes referred to as the "vampire fish". In its original habitats, the sea lamprey …
Lamprey | Mouth, Bite, & Facts | Britannica
Lamprey, any of about 43 species of primitive fishlike jawless vertebrates placed with hagfishes in the class Agnatha. Lampreys belong to the family Petromyzonidae. They live in coastal and …
Lamprey - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and Interesting Facts
Everything you should know about the Lamprey. The Lamprey is an eel-like jawless fish that is related to hagfish, with long, round bodies.
What is a sea lamprey? - NOAA's National Ocean Service
Jun 16, 2024 · Among the most primitive of all vertebrate species, the sea lamprey is a parasitic fish native to the northern and western Atlantic Ocean. Due to their similar body shapes, …
Sea lamprey | Diet, Life Cycle, & Facts | Britannica
Sea lamprey is an eel-like, jawless species of fish native to the North Atlantic Ocean, several of its bordering seas, and its coastal rivers and estuaries. It is considered to be among the most …
Sea Lamprey - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) is a fish that is native to the Atlantic Ocean. Petromyzon means sucker of stone and marinus means of the sea. Sea lampreys range throughout the …
A Note on Lampreys | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Pacific lamprey are important Pacific coast tribes who prize their rich, fatty meat. In Alaska, Arctic Lamprey are harvested by subsistence fishermen on the Yukon River in winter for subsistence …
16 Little-Known Lamprey Fish Facts - Fact Animal
There are 38 known species of lamprey, and 18 of them are carnivorous – infamous for latching onto fish like salmon, trout and catfish – drilling into their flesh using their teeth, and sucking …
Lamprey - Types, Size, Anatomy, Habitat, Diet, Predators, & Pictures
Feb 28, 2025 · The oldest lamprey, Priscomyzon, dates back to around 360 million years ago (Late Devonian Period, South Africa). Other old stem-group lamprey fossils include Pipiscius, …