Legolas | Tolkien Wiki - The Tolkien Forum
Aug 14, 2019 · Legolas was an heir to the Woodland Realm of Mirkwood and was crowned prince. Hence became was the ambassador of the entire race of Elves in the Fellowship. …
What happened to Legolas - The Tolkien Forum
Jul 11, 2002 · Legolas WAS a Silvan Elf as her was the son of Thranduil, the King of Mirkwood who was Silvan. The atual quote for what happened to Legolas is thus: 1541 In this year, on …
Where does Legolas' name come from? - The Tolkien Forum
Dec 22, 2002 · Just to note: the name Legolas was not invented for the character Legolas of Mirkwood, but for a Legolas of Gondolin rather ~ with a variant 'history' to its form as revealed …
Thranduil | Tolkien Wiki
Mar 18, 2020 · Thranduil, son of the Sindarin King, Oropher, was the ruler of the Woodland Realm from the Second to the Third Age. Despite his cautious nature, he led his kingdom to join the …
♀️ Tauriel | Tolkien Wiki
Apr 29, 2020 · Legolas witnessed their discussion from above, and he grew jealous because they seemed attracted to one another. Later Bilbo helped the Dwarves escape when he made each …
Legolas coming to grips with death - The Tolkien Forum
May 21, 2003 · When Legolas leaves Middle Earth, that chapter in his life closes. We can't be sure whether Frodo, Sam, Bilbo, and Gimli were granted immortality, or only a place to live out …
Aragorn vs. Legolas - The Tolkien Forum
Feb 18, 2002 · in looks, with me legolas wins. but as far as acting, while both did a great job, viggo mortensen managed to act as aragorn better than orli acted as legolas. with aragorn, …
Legolas' relation to Gondolin - The Tolkien Forum
Dec 20, 2017 · Firstly, I know that Legolas isn't even in the Hobbit book. Thus, the blame of this case lies not on Tolkien, but Peter Jackson and the film script team. Some background info to …
legolas | The Tolkien Forum
May 23, 2023 · Hi everyone! Ever since I watched "The Hobbit, the Desolation of Smaug" on the world premiere, I have wondered about a small detail: In the movie in Mirkwood, Legolas and …
Legolas didnt have blond hair!!!!!!! - The Tolkien Forum
May 1, 2003 · Tolkien went to some lengths to avoid describing Legolas: in the Pauline Baynes picture of the Fellowship, painted while he was still alive, Legolas is the only one wearing a …