Liuvigild - Wikipedia
Known for his Codex Revisus or Code of Leovigild, a law allowing equal rights between the Visigothic and Hispano-Roman population, his kingdom covered modern Portugal and most of modern Spain down to Toledo. Liuvigild ranks among …
Leovigild | Visigothic Ruler, Reformer & Conqueror | Britannica
Leovigild (died April/May 586, Toledo, Spain) was the last Arian ruler in Visigothic Spain, who did much to restore the extent and power of the Visigothic kingdom. Brother of King Athanagild (d. 567), Leovigild succeeded (568) to that part of the Visigothic kingdom that …
Liubagilds (c.519 - 586) - Genealogy - Geni.com
Oct 26, 2023 · Liuvigild, Leuvigild, Leovigild, or Leovigildo (Spanish and Portuguese), (c. 519 – 586) was a Visigothic King of Hispania and Septimania from 568 to 586. Known for his Codex Revisus or Code of Leovigild , a law allowing equal rights between the Visigothic and Hispano-Roman population, his kingdom covered modern Portugal and most of modern ...
Leovigild | Encyclopedia.com
Leovigild (lēŏv´ĬgĬld´, lēō´–), d. 586, Visigothic king of Spain (568–86), brother and successor of Athanagild. He was joint ruler to 573 with his brother Liuva. He reorganized the administration and assumed a royal pomp that imitated that of the Byzantine court.
Code of Leovigild - Wikipedia
The Code of Leovigild or Codex Revisus was a Visigothic legal code, a revision of the Codex Euricianus made in the late sixth century under Leovigild (568–586). The code does not survive and all we know of it is derived from the writings of Isidore of Seville, a near contemporary ecclesiastic and encyclopaedist.
Leovigildo - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Flavio Leovigildo (en latín: Flavius Leovigildus, del gótico: Liubagilds; ¿?- Toledo, primavera del año 586) fue rey de los visigodos del 568 o 569 a 586. Por sus reformas y su labor de expansión y reorganización territorial, Leovigildo es considerado uno de los más importantes soberanos del reino visigodo de Toledo.
Leovigild - Infoplease
Leovigild lēŏvˈĭgĭldˌ, lēōˈ– [key], d. 586, Visigothic king of Spain (568–86), brother and successor of Athanagild. He was joint ruler to 573 with his brother Liuva. He reorganized the administration and assumed a royal pomp that imitated that of the Byzantine court.
Leovigild, Arian King of the Visigoths - Wace's Dictionary of Early ...
Leovigild (LEUVICHILD), Arian king of the Visigoths in Spain from 569 to Apr. or May 586. His reign and that of his successor, the convert RECCARED), represent the crisis of Visigothic history, religious and political.
Leovigild – Wikipedia
Leovigild-Statue in Madrid (um 1750). Leovigild († April/Mai 586 in Toledo) war in den Jahren von 569 bis 586 König der Westgoten auf der Iberischen Halbinsel, ab 571/572 auch im Reichsteil Septimanien (im heutigen Südwesten Frankreichs). Er gilt als bedeutender Herrscher, da er die Macht des Königtums festigte und es nach römischem Vorbild umgestaltete, die Sueben unterwarf und sich ...
St. Leovigild and Christopher - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
Shop St. Leovigild and Christopher Martyrs of Cordoba, Spain, put to death under the ruler of Cordoba, Abd al-Rahman II. Leovigild was a priest and Christopher was a monk.
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