Lespedeza - Wikipedia
Lespedeza is a genus of some 45 species (including nothospecies) of flowering plants in the pea family (Fabaceae), commonly known as bush clovers or (particularly East Asian species) Japanese clovers (hagi). The genus is native to warm temperate to subtropical regions of eastern North America, eastern and southern Asia and Australasia.
Ecology and Management of Sericea Lespedeza
Sericea lespedeza has been found growing in all parts of Oklahoma except the Panhandle, and has been designated a noxious weed in Kansas because of its ability to invade and decrease grass production on rangelands and introduced pastures.
Sericea Lespedeza Control - Missouri Department of Conservation
Sericea lespedeza is designated a noxious weed in several Kansas counties. Sericea lespedeza has a deep tap root that allows it to outcompete native plants for water and nutrients, especially in times of drought.
Lespedeza Identification and Control in Turfgrass
Oct 12, 2011 · Common lespedeza (Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schind syn. Lespedeza striata) is a freely branched, summer annual legume that is a problematic weed in lawns and other turf areas.
Lespedezas: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly | Hamilton Native
Slender Lespedeza and Roundhead Lespedeza (also called Bush Clovers), Lespedeza virginica and Lespedeza capitata, are both native lespedezas. Both are great for wildlife. The seeds are consumed by various birds including Mourning Dove, Bobwhite Quail, Wild Turkey, and Slate-Colored Juncos.
Lespedeza: Growing 'poor man’s alfalfa' - Farm Progress
Sep 3, 2020 · Annual lespedeza is a high-quality forage that fixes nitrogen. “No one really knows how much nitrogen,” Roberts says, “but probably 50 pounds to the acre on a pure stand.” It fills the summer grazing gap, growing in pastures in Missouri from June all …
Lespedeza bicolor - US Forest Service
Shrub lespedeza is an erect, multibranched shrub that can reach 10 feet (3 m) tall and wide [25, 32, 54, 60].
Shrub lespedeza is a perennial legume native to eastern Asia. It grows 4 to 6 feet tall stems that may reach 1/2 inch in diameter. These stems die back to the ground annually. The leaves are usually 2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide, with a more linear appearance than oval. The pink to purple colored flowers emerge in great masses during late summer.
Sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), or Chinese bush clover, is an introduced perennial legume native to eastern Asia (Figure 1). It is recognized for its tolerance of drought, acidity, and shallow soils of low fertility. It will tolerate soils ranging from very acidic to slightly alkaline, but is best adapted to a pH of 6.0 to 6.5.
Lespedeza - Home & Garden Information Center
Common lespedeza, also known as Japanese clover (Kummerowia striata, syn. Lespedeza striata), is a very common summer weed that can easily choke out thin turf. It is often found in open woods and fields and frequently in disturbed areas and turf. Lespedeza is a mat-forming, wiry stemmed, prostrate, freely branched summer annual.