Lich - Dota 2 Wiki
npc_dota_hero_lich Unleashes a powerful attack that bounces between enemies. Resurrected by a curious geomancer, Ethreain bewitched his savior with a Sinister Gaze , then promptly made the man his newest sacrifice.
Lich/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Lich is a support hero who possesses tremendous nuking power, as well as disable power via his many slows. His low reliance on items makes him a strong support who can cause considerable harm to the enemy in the laning stage.
Lich — Dota 2 Вики
Гипнотизирует цель, заставляя двигаться к Lich, запрещая действия и раскрывая её невидимость. Приравнивает скорость передвижения цели к 32%/38%/44%/50% от расстояния между ней и Lich.
Lich/Talents - Dota 2 Wiki
Lich/Talents < Lich. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Hero Strategy ... Dota 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG ...
Lich/Counters - Dota 2 Wiki
Lich is a squishy support without an escape mechanism, making Lich an easy kill thanks to Life Break and Burning Spear. Once Huskar has Armlet of Mordiggian , even a maxed out Frost Blast will struggle to finish Huskar off.
Lich/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
Besides ice magic, Lich has the ability to preserve items to prevent them from rotting and corroding. He uses this power to preserve the charmed ropes, wearing it as a reminder that no one should hope to bind him again.
Lich/Old Abilities - Dota 2 Wiki
Originally crafted during his ambush for self-defense, the Lich is capable of enchanting others with a formidable defense of frost magic. This ability got replaced by Frost Shield in the 7.20 gameplay patch.
Lich/Changelogs - Dota 2 Wiki
Now allows Lich to cast his other abilities (Frost Blast, Frost Shield, Ice Spire and Chain Frost) without interrupting channeling. The abilities have an instant cast time and do not require facing the target to be cast.
Lich/Responses - Dota 2 Wiki
️ Lich! ️ I am Lich! ️ I am the dead of winter! ️ From the frozen pool, I rise. ️ Beneath my warm exterior…permafrost. ️ A chill wind… ️ My power rises! ️ From frozen waters I rise! ️...
Lich - Dota 2 Wiki
Ethreain, o Lich, é um herói de Inteligência que ataca de longo alcance, e usa suas habilidades para retardar seus inimigos com seus ataques gelados, aumenta as defesas aliadas também, e serve como um ótimo emboscador de batalhas em equipes com seu poderoso ultimate.