Congolese spotted lion - Wikipedia
A Congolese spotted lion, also known by the portmanteau lijagulep, is the hybrid of a male lion and female jaguar - leopard hybrid (a jagulep or lepjag). Several lijaguleps have been bred, but only one appears to have been exhibited as a Congolese spotted lion.
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Nov 17, 2015 · A lijagulep is a hybrid of a male lion and a female jagulep. Possibly at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, three hybrids of jaguar and leopardess were bred. These hybrids were sold to a traveling menagerie, and one was exhibited at the London Zoo and White City in London.
Congolese spotted lion - Wikiwand
A Congolese spotted lion, also known by the portmanteau lijagulep, is the hybrid of a male lion and female jaguar-leopard hybrid. Several lijaguleps have been bred, but only one appears to have been exhibited as a Congolese spotted lion.
Congolese Spotted Lion - bionity.com
A Congolese Spotted Lion or more correctly lijagulep is the hybrid of a female leopard/jaguar cross (a jagulep or lepjag) with a male lion. Several lijaguleps have been bred, but only one appears to have been exhibited as a Congolese Spotted Lion.
Since the specimen at Tring matches the description of the lijagulep (Congolese Spotted Lion) it may be that animal. Hemmer was apparently unsure whether the museum specimen he examined was a jaguar/lion hybrid, as stated on the Tring specimen's label, or a leopard/jaguar x lion hybrid.
The most complex hybrid so far was a lijagulep (li-jagleop). First a jaguar and a leopard were crossed. The female offspring, a jagulep (jagleop) was crossed to a lion to produce the lijagulep.
Lijagulep (1908) | From a bookplate (1908). I believe this i ... - Flickr
Dec 29, 2010 · From a bookplate (1908). I believe this is the one now preserved in the Walter Rothchild Zoological Museum. A female leopard/jaguar hybrid was crossed with a lion to produce this hybrid: half lion, quarter leopard, quarter jaguar. The overall effect is …
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Spotted Lion | NatureRules1 Wiki | Fandom
A Congolese spotted lion, also known by the portmanteau lijagulep, is the hybrid of a male lion and female jaguar-leopard. Several lijaguleps have been bred, but only one appears to have been exhibited as a Congolese spotted lion.
RhinoSpike : English Audio : Lion, Hybrids
The marozi is reputedly a spotted lion or a naturally occurring leopon, while the Congolese Spotted Lion is a complex lion-jaguar-leopard hybrid called a lijagulep. Such hybrids were once commonly bred in zoos, but this is now discouraged due to the emphasis on conserving species and subspecies.
Congolese spotted lion - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Jan 12, 2024 · A Congolese spotted lion or more correctly lijagulep is the hybrid of a male lion and female jaguarleopard (a jagulep or lepjag). Several lijaguleps have been bred, but only one appears to have been exhibited as a Congolese spotted lion.