Trogon Asiatic Lily - Shop Asiatic Lilies - Spring Hill
This mid-summer lily features vibrant color on both the fronts and back of its petals — showy even for an asiatic lily. Its huge flowers measure nearly six inches in width. The deep pink petals are pale orange-yellow at the base, and encircle brightly-colored anthers.
- Reviews: 4
Buy Trogon Lily Online | Asiatic Lilies for Sale - Breck's
Lively up - facing lily flowers are a deep pink colour, with a large splash of orange - yellow and tiny brown dots at the base! Bloom from early to midsummer.
- Reviews: 5
Trogon Asiatic Lily | Holland Bulb Farms | 77533
Trogon Asiatic Lily reminds us of a warm summer day, sipping on pink lemonade while enjoying the fruits of our labor in the garden. Bright pink blooms are accented by yellow spots and brown speckles. This upright blooming lily will grow about 3' tall and looks nice planted in the back of your perennial bed.
Trogon Asiatic Lily Bulbs, Lilium - American Meadows
A bright, uniquely-colored Asiatic Lily, 'Trogon' lends beauty and grace to the summer landscape. This easy-to-grow lily is dependable and cold hardy, perfoming well in most sunny gardens. 'Trogon' Lily's spectacular flowers attract butterflies throughout the extended bloom season, and are lovely and long-lasting in a vase.
- Reviews: 7
Trogon Asiatic Lily Flower Bulbs - 3 Lilies Per Pack - Attracts ...
TALL PERENNIAL GARDEN: This upright blooming lily will grow about 3' tall and looks nice planted in the back of your perennial bed. Trogon makes a great cut flower, and looks nice when planted with other Asiatic lilies. PLANTING FOR BEST RESULTS: For best results plant in full sun to partial shade, and in soil that is moist but drains well.
- Reviews: 3
Lilium 'Trogon' 1 large bulb – PetalsWings
A bright, uniquely-colored Asiatic Lily, 'Trogon' lends beauty and grace to the summer landscape. This easy-to-grow lily is dependable and cold hardy, perfoming well in most sunny gardens. 'Trogon' Lily's spectacular flowers attract butterflies throughout the extended bloom season, and are lovely and long-lasting in a vase.
Lilium Asiatic 'Trogon' Lily Bulbs | Park Seed
The extravagant pink to apricot blooms of this breathtaking 'Trogon' Asiatic Lily are deceptively easy to grow and beloved by pollinators and gardeners alike. The bright pink petals are contrasted by yellow and white centers freckled with magenta.
'Trogon' - Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb - bdlilies.com
Stock # 1055 - 'Trogon' - Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb Yellow base color, with pink tips, this star-shaped early bloomer has a multitude of fine black speckles on the inner half of its petals. Upfacing flowers, 3 to 4 Feet.
Trogon Asiatic Lily Bulbs, Lilium | High Country Gardens
Asiatic Lily 'Trogon' has an exotic coloration with petals that have a pink speckled throat surrounded by solid pink tips. Lilium 'Trogon' Easy To Grow, Low Maintenance, Cut Flowers, Container Planting. Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9. Full Sun, Morning Sun & Afternoon Shade. 32-40" tall. 3-4 bulbs per sq. ft.
- Reviews: 1
Lilium 'Trogon', Lily 'Trogon' (Asiatic) in GardenTags plant …
The Asiatic lily is a true lily which flowers earlier than many lilies - from early Summer to mid Summer. Less fragrant than Oriental lilies, but much-prized by flower-arrangers.'Trogon' bears pink blooms, turning to yellow towards the centre, and having dark speckles towards the centre
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