Sestertius - Caligula, Agrippina the Younger, Drusilla, and Julia Livilla
Detailed information about the coin Sestertius, Caligula, Agrippina the Younger, Drusilla, and Julia Livilla (AGRIPPINA DRVSILLA IVLIA S C), Roman Empire (27 BC, 395 AD), with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data
Livilla Coin Details - The Roman Empire - Collectors Society
This ancient coin represents the sole issue attributed to Claudia Livia Julia (13? BC – 31 AD), more commonly known as Livilla or “little Livia,” differentiating her from grandmother, Augusta Livia Drusilla.
Julia Livilla - Wikipedia
In most ancient literary sources, on inscriptions and on coins, she is simply called "Julia". It is possible that she dropped the use of her cognomen after the damnatio memoriae of her paternal aunt Livilla (sister of Germanicus and Claudius ) after whom she was named.
Drusilla, Agrippina Jr, and Julia Livilla, with Caligula Coin Details ...
This particular issue is noteworthy since the reverse features Caligula’s three sisters: Agrippina Jr. as the goddess Securitas, Julia Livilla as the goddess Fortuna, and Julia Drusilla (16 – 38 AD) as the goddess Concordia.
Julia Livilla coins for sale - Buy Julia Livilla coins from the most ...
Julia Livilla coins online. Find the best selection from the most respected coins dealers around the world. Visit Now!
Twin Sons of Drusus, Tiberius Gemellus and Germanicus Junior …
This issue commemorates the birth of twin sons to Drusus Caesar and his wife Livia Drusilla (Livilla). This event became part of the series issued in 22 AD to promote the imperial virtue and dynastic solidity of the second emperor’s family.
Roman Coins of Livia - Forum Ancient Coins
The portrait of this coin has been traditionally described as depicting Livia, based on Cohen's catalog. Even if as early as 1880, A. Colson was proposing that the portrait is actually Livilla, Drusus' wife, it was not in time for Cohen to consider it. The portrait of Pietas alone is paired with the reverse naming Drusus.
Livilla, Roman Imperial Coins of, at WildWinds.com
Browsing Roman Imperial Coins of Livilla. Browse the Livilla page with thumbnail images.
Julia Livilla, with Caligula Coin Details - The Roman Empire
Regardless of his motivation, Caligula famously honored his relatives, both deceased and living, including coins featuring his sisters Julia Livilla, Julia Drusilla, and Agrippina the Younger. Livilla's strikes are very few in number, and all are quite scarce.
livilla - NumisWiki, The Collaborative Numismatics Project
Explore Our Website And Find Joy In The History, Numismatics, Art, Mythology, And Geography Of Coins!!! NumisWiki Is An Enormous Unique Resource Including Hundreds Of Books And Thousands Of Articles Online!!!
Livia, Livilla, Either/Or? - Coin Talk
Mar 12, 2023 · Livia and Livilla are both on my "Bust coins that I'd like to get" list. So far as I've been able to tell, Livia appears on some provincial coinage. However, Livilla only appears on these dupondii.
Monster: The Coins of Caligula - CoinWeek
Jun 8, 2018 · Perhaps the best-known coin of Caligula is a rare sestertius that depicts his three sisters, Agrippina the Younger, Drusilla and Julia Livilla as the personifications of Securitas, Concordia...
WHERE IS RIC 41? - Forum Ancient Coins
Agrippina and Livilla were exiled by their brother to the Pontine Islands. During Caligula's principate, the women of the imperial family received the most public acknowledgment of their power and dynastic importance to date.
RIC I (second edition) Gaius/Caligula 33 - American Numismatic …
Average measurements for this coin type: Select the measurement type below for visualization. Measurement queries are executed across all coins harvested in Nomisma.org, regardless connection to coin type URIs. You can compare multiple queries to generate a …
Roman Empire, Caligula (37-41) Sestertius 'The Three Graces'
After the murder of Caligula in 41 AD, his successor Emperor Claudius lifted the exile of both Agrippina and Julia Livilla. As a result of the intrigues of Empress Messalina (third wife of Claudius), Julia Livilla was charged of adultery with Seneca the Younger and was once again banished in 41 AD.
Research Coins: Feature Auction
This coin, struck in the name of Drusus shortly before his death, depicts on the obverse a veiled and classically beautiful woman as Pietas, goddess of religious piety and dutifulness. David Vagi has argued convincingly that the head represents Livilla, given that the other bronze coins issued the same year depict Drusus himself and the couple ...
Imperial Women on Coins and in Roman Cult - Oxford Academic
Jun 17, 2021 · After an opening focus on Caligula’s three sisters Drusilla, Agrippina the Younger, and Julia Livilla, the first living women figured and identified on centrally struck coins, the chapter addresses coins as evidence for imperial women, and the connections of imperial women to Rome’s public religion and religious culture.
Research Coins: Electronic Auction - cngcoins.com
Veiled, diademed, and draped bust of Livilla as Pietas right / DRVSVS CAESAR TI AVGVST F TR POT ITER, around large S C across field. RIC I 43 (Tiberius); Cohen 1. Fine, black-green surfaces. From the Garth R. Drewry Collection.
Coins of Caligula - A Story in The Metals - Mintage World
The best and rarest of Caligula coins are those which depict his sisters, Agrippina the Younger, Drusilla and Julia Livilla as the personifications of Securitas, Concordia and Fortuna respectively.