Lothíriel | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Lothíriel was a princess of Dol Amroth in Middle-earth, daughter of Prince Imrahil, and later Queen of Rohan. Lothíriel was the wife of King Éomer of Rohan. Lothíriel was the daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth; her mother's name is not known. Lothíriel was born in TA 2999. She had three older brothers: Elphir, Erchirion, and Amrothos. She …
Lothíriel - Tolkien Gateway
Aug 23, 2024 · Other versions of the legendarium. In the published version of The Return of the King, Lothíriel and Éomer were wedded in "the last year of the Third Age".In Appendix B, "The Tale of Years" states that 3021 was the last of the Third Age, and thus the wedding took place in that year. However, in a late manuscript of what would later become Appendix B the wedding of Lothíriel and Éomer was ...
Lothiriel | Tolkien Wiki
Apr 27, 2021 · Lothiriel, born in TA 2999, was the daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth. In TA 3021, after the War of the Ring, she became the Queen of Rohan after marrying Éomer, the King of Rohan.
Lothíriel | Middle Earth Film Saga Wiki | Fandom
Lothíriel was a princess of Dol Amroth, the daughter of Imrahil and Faramir and Boromir's maternal cousin. Lothíriel was born in TA 2999. She was a prinncess of Dol Amroth. After the war of the Ring, she married Éomer, the brother of Faramir's wife, Éowyn. Lothíriel became the Queen of Rohan. They had one son, Elfwine
Lothíriel - Lotro-Wiki.com
Jul 6, 2024 · Lothíriel later attends the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen in Minas Tirith.She can be found in the feast-hall of Merethrond after the wedding ceremony, seated with her father.. Quest Involvement [...] Instance: A Wedding at Midsummer [...] Instance: The Wedding Banquet
The Encyclopedia of Arda - Lothíriel
The youngest child, and only daughter, of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth.After the War of the Ring in the year III 3021, when she would have been twenty-two years old, she became queen to King Éomer of Rohan.The royal couple had a son, Elfwine, who bore a close resemblance to Lothíriel's father Imrahil, and may have inherited some of the Elvish blood that …
Lothíriel | Der Herr der Ringe Wiki | Fandom
Lothíriel, geb. 2999 D.Z.[Anm. 1] war die Tochter des Fürsten Imrahil von Dol Amroth. Sie hatte drei ältere Brüder: Elphir, geb. 2987 D.Z.; Erchirion, geb. 2990 D.Z.; und Amrothos, 2994 D.Z. Um 3020 D.Z. heiratete sie Éomer den 18. König der Mark. Aus ihrer Ehe ging ein Sohn hervor: Elfwine der Schöne. Lothíriel ist mit Boromir und Faramir …
Lothíriel - Hall of Beorn
Lothíriel was the daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, and later the wife of King Éomer of Rohan.. History. Lothíriel was born in T.A. 2999. She had three older brothers: Elphir, Erchirion, and Amrothos. Lothíriel married Éomer, King of Rohan, in T.A. 3021.
Lothíriel - RingsDB
This game keeps surprising me with hidden subtleties. I like this card for its combination of mechanisms and flavour. It has an obvious pairing (hah) with Éomer, which seems fitting as he and Lothíriel got married.But there is an equally flavourful yet more subtle pairing between this card and both incarnations of her father, Prince Imrahil.
Lothíriel - Tolkien Gateway
Oct 15, 2023 · Lothíriel was the daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, and later the wife of King Éomer of Rohan.
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