What is the best lychee? - tropicalfruitforum.com
May 30, 2017 · Girdling is a pretty questionable practice as it may increase yield on the branch but the branch often declines, dies or get prone to fungal problems afterwards.I know I have posted about lychee varieties a bit before but kwai mai pink and Mauritius are the 2 recommended commercial types here (of over 25) for warmer areas.
Best Lychee Tree in California in terms of Size and Yield
Apr 17, 2024 · Based on my experience my two lychee Trees (Mauritius and Bruster) grow well at my location. They are more attractive and much easier to cultivate overall than my Mango Trees. Enclosed are a few photos as references. The first photo is of a Brewster Lychee tree in front of OC Farm supply in the city of Orange.
What is the best lychee? - Tropical Fruit Forum
Feb 3, 2012 · harry they sell those green lychees every year in NY china town and they are always unedible- so very much doubt they are the fabled hanging green, or if they are, they must get treated with a chemical to allow export to the US that absolutely kills taste. they also sell a red lychee in china town every year that looks like a large sweet cliff ...
More cold-tolerant lychee - Tropical Fruit Forum
Oct 20, 2020 · Lychee do fine in prolonged upper 30s and even the occasional dip into the low 30s and light frost. I have had longans conk out on me in those temps but not lychee, thus I have always been confused when people say lychee cant tolerate cold weather when they are more tolerant than mango.
Seedless lychee - Tropical Fruit Forum
Aug 28, 2022 · Yeah I do have other lychee trees not super far away. Its possible bees are moving pollen between trees. This one is kind of off on the end by itself but theres other trees around. Now I wish this one was planted way further away. Maybe someday I can make a copy but this stuff takes forever to grow and make copies of.
Brewster vs Mauritius Lychees, which do you prefer? - Tropical …
May 13, 2022 · What about the smell? What do you Lychee lovers consider the best smelling Lychee? I've don't recall ever eating "Rose Scented or Gui Wei" but in my opinion, Brewster smells like its rose scented. To me, smell is a big part of the Lychee eating experience. Here is a pic of Leos Brewster tree, picture taken about 3 weeks ago.
Comparison of 4 Lychee Cultivars - Tropical Fruit Forum
Jul 2, 2015 · What has happened with Kaimana is that it's become very difficult to sell any lychee in Hawaii unless it's Kaimana, because that is what the buyers are so used to now. But Kaimana, though very good, isn't the be all and end all of lychees. Really no variety is. The Sweetheart is quite a bit softer than Kaimana.
Lychee frost hardiness? - Tropical Fruit Forum
Sep 6, 2021 · there was a breeze all night when it was -2 C. The bigger the lychee gets the better but from what it sounds like I would plant the lychee in town in a good spot not the open fields. I also usually water heavy the night before. The water is 21 C coming out of the ground and I have heavy mulch around the trees. I can get a little buffer going
BUYING: Seedless Lychee / Litchi (California) - Tropical Fruit Forum
Oct 14, 2020 · People have seedless lychee trees in CA. I know someone with one that is already fruiting who is a member here. Ive got a small tree that is supposed to make large seedless fruit from China. Just picked it up this year so I can't personally confirm how it looks but the seller is a reputible guy. Theres several seedless varieties here.
Lychee Air Layering Questions...
Mar 2, 2025 · I have done over 20 lychee air layers, for me its a waste of time since my Brewster is so large I don't need to do it. I wanted to make some air layers for people who didn't have a nice Brewster tree. Just takes away too much space for me since I can't cut back those branches that would do yearly to keep the large tree in check.