Lycium - Wikipedia
Lycium are shrubs, often thorny, growing 1 to 4 meters tall. The leaves are small, narrow, and fleshy, and are alternately arranged, sometimes in fascicles. Flowers are solitary or borne in clusters. The funnel-shaped or bell-shaped corolla is white, green, or purple in color.
SPECIES: Lycium andersonii - US Forest Service
Seedling establishment of Lycium spp. was observed following a fire on a Sonoran Desert site; these seedlings resulted from seeds surviving fire in the soil, surviving on burned plants, or dispersed from resistant plants within the burn, or from unburned areas .
Lycium - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Box Thorns are deciduous or evergreen shrubs in the nightshade family with 70 to 80 species. They mostly occur in arid and semi-arid climates, and a few are known from coastal zones in saline and dune habitats. Most have thorny stems and small flowers with berries that are red to purple or yellow.
common species found in arizona: Wolfberry or Frutilla ( Lycium brevipes ) In cultivation it flowers any month, with the best blooms from November through March.
The genus Lycium includes from 75–90 species most often found in washes of seasonally dry climates of North America (~20 spp.), Africa (~25 spp.), Eurasia (~10 spp.) and South America (~30 spp.).
Lycium berlandieri - US Forest Service
Wolfberries (Lycium spp.), however, have been used to rehabilitate abandoned farmlands in Sonoran Desert lowlands and on disturbed sites near Red Rock, Arizona. The sites were restored by establishing berms on the contour and then seeding with wolfberry and other desert shrubs .
Lycium - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Lycium spp. are part of the Solanaceae family, which includes tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and peppers (Bryan et al., 2008). Ten species and varieties of Lycium are found to be substitutes or adulterants of L. barbarum in the commercial market in Hong Kong and China.
Lycium spp. (Lycium barbarum L., Lycium chinense Mill.)
Jan 1, 2023 · Lycium spp. (Lycium barbarum, Lycium chinense) are woody shrubs that belong to the family Solanaceae. Both Lycium species are commonly distributed at the altitude of about 1500 to 2000 m in the subtropical region of China, Korea, Japan, and East Asia.
Constructing the wolfberry ( Lycium spp.) genetic linkage map …
Jan 1, 2022 · The wolfberry (Lycium spp.) is a perennial defoliated shrub plants that belongs to the Solanaceae family. The Lycium fruit, otherwise known as the Gojizi, has been an important traditional medicinal herb and functional food in Asian countries for more than 2 000 years (Chang and So 2008; Potterat 2010). Most Lycium species are diploids with 2n ...
An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Goji (Lycium spp.) by the ...
An evidence-based systematic review of goji (Lycium spp.) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration consolidates the safety and efficacy data available in the scientific literature using a validated, reproducible grading rationale.