M-125 Tube Amp from Bob Latino Experiences? - 2-Channel …
Apr 26, 2011 · The M-125's are even easier to assemble than the ST-70 or ST-120 amp kits. Reason > Although the chassis for the M-125 (10 X 12 inches) is about the same size as the ST-70/ST-120 amp kits (9 1/2 X 13 inches), there is only the wiring for ONE channel.
Bob Latino's Content - The Klipsch Audio Community
Jul 4, 2011 · The only thing about the M-125 that was similar to the Mark VI was the fact that both amps used a parallel push pull output circuit with 4 output tubes. There are many differences between the two amps. 1. The M-125 can use 6550, KT88, KT90, KT100 and KT120 output tubes whereas the Dynaco Mark VI driver circuit was designed for an 8417 output tube.
200 Watt or 125 Watt amp - The Klipsch Audio Community
Sep 29, 2003 · A 125 watt amp that can double down into both 4 and 2 ohms is probably underrated at 8 ohms. Some manufacturers do this because they know that customers know Ohm's law. The RF-7s are nominally rated as 8 ohm speakers, but Sound & Vision's tests showed that they are actually 6 ohm speakers.
Tube amps for khorns - 2-Channel Home Audio - The Klipsch …
Mar 21, 2011 · Disclaimer > I sell the VTA ST-70, VTA ST-120 and VTA M-125 amp kits. KHornfan, With KHorn's which are about 105 dB efficient the VTA ST-70 would have more than enough power. The VTA ST-70, although rated at 35 WPC, will actually do 45 watts over most of the audio band without clipping. See test link below.
RC-64 iii Do I need an external amp? - The Klipsch Audio Community
Oct 7, 2019 · I am a huge outboard amp proponent and my system went to new heights when I first added a B&K Reference 4430(200x3) to my front soundstage(RF-63--RC-64--RF-63) in my 5000ft3 room. Now before the amp I was driving my 5.1 system with a mid level Onkyo TX-SR705 which may be considered upper midlevel today with it's 28.4lbs weight.
Oh yes, the Great Amplifier question - 2-Channel Home Audio
Jan 8, 2022 · I'm facing the same issue. I went from Bic America Pl-89 towers that say they can handle 225w RMS, I must admit, they were extremely loud and clear, until I blew a crossover, but the towers were 10yo. So I now have the new klipsch RP-8000F II, but they are rated at 160w RMS, I'm also using Emotiva BasX-A2 160w Amp.
Yamaha M-70 power amp, C-70 control amp - The Klipsch Audio …
Mar 8, 2007 · I would say circa early 80's. The M-70 puts out around 150-170W per channel of quality power. You can probably get user manual .pdf copies from Yamaha's website. I had the M-80 and C-80 and they were stellar performers and the M-80 ran Class A up until about 25-30W which was perfect for Klipsch speakers. If the price is right go for it!
Setup advice, most economical amp for AW650 speaker sets
Dec 25, 2022 · Looking for some setup advice. I am currently running AW650s on a Parasound HCA750a that shows a spec of: Continuous Power Output - Stereo 75 watts RMS x 2, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 8 ohms, both channels driven 125 watts RMS x 2, 20 Hz-20 kHz, 4 ohms, both channels driven Continuous Power Output - Mono 250 ...
Older SS Amps Denon POA-1500 and Onkyo M-504
Feb 7, 2014 · with the right gear i think the onkyo m504 would be a great budget friendly s/s amp for k-horns. they go for about $400-$500 on ebay. but im sure for that price you could find an equal or better used amp... like the rotel. but the big green meters of the onkyo cant be beat at this price range.. Edited February 8, 2014 by klipschfancf4
Best Crossovers and Other Upgrades for Belles Driven by 2 Watt
Nov 11, 2013 · I've sold my beloved Cornwalls and replaced them with Klipsch Belles. These speakers are driven, some of the time, by my 2 watt per channel Yamamoto A08-S amp which uses EML 45 tubes. My Cornwalls were upgraded with Bob Crites CT-125 tweeters and Bob's crossovers. Now I'm considering upgrading th...