만나면 좋은 친구 MBC
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MBC 드라마 | 만나면 좋은 친구 MBC
서울시 마포구 성암로 255 (상암동 문화방송미디어센터 10층) 1:1 고객문의 바로가기 메일 : [email protected] 사업자등록번호 107-81-78996 통신판매업신고 2014-서울마포-0761 부가통신사업신고 002483호 통신판매업 정보 확인 호스팅 서비스 제공 LGU+
MBC 뉴스의 라이브 방송을 통해 최신 뉴스를 실시간으로 시청할 수 있습니다.
i M B C
Broadcasting since August 8, 1969, MBC now boasts access to 13.5 million households and coverage of 98% of the Korean peninsula. Its diverse program line-up includes everything from news to sports, cultural programs, news magazines, drama, and entertainment that go on the air for 15 hours a day on weekdays and 20 hours a day over the weekends.
About MBC
Established in 1961, MBC has grown into a media group with 16 local stations and 8 subsidiaries. MBC operates a total number of 18 channels including 1 terrestrial TV channel, 3 radio channels, 5 cable channels, 5 satellite channels and 4 DMB channels.
MBC is the No. 1 broadcast network in Korea in terms of reliability, popularity and influence! Established in 1961, MBC has been contributing to the development of the media industry, covering 98% of percent of the nation with a network of 16 regional stations and 8 subsidiaries.
TV보다 더 큰 세상, iMBC.com
After serving as the host broadcaster during the 1986 Seoul Asian Games and the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, MBC’s sophisticated sports broadcasting technology and know-how drew an enormous audience to MBC during the 2002 FIFA World Cup KoreaJapan, capturing the highest ratings nationwide.
i M B C
mbc’s pledge to its viewers: MBC’s corporate philosophy rests on two pillars: its respect for human dignity and sanctity of life. Enriching the lives of the Korean people as the driving force, MBC seeks to take on the responsibility of leading Korea into the information age.
무료라이브 엠빅라이브 | 만나면 좋은 친구 MBC
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