MLPcraft[PVP][FACTIONS][100%FREE][80slots] - Minecraft Forum
May 14, 2011 · MLPcraft.com MLP craft is a new faction based PVP server. Only place that is protected against PVP is spawn so you can go and gank anyone anywhere.
[1.2.5]MLP:FIM texturepack - Resource Packs - Minecraft Forum
Oct 19, 2012 · My friend John Caveson(You can check him out on you tube) recently strarted making an "Equestria Craft" MLP roleplaying server(i will post a link once we are done building) and he asked me to do the texture pack for it.
MLP Mythical Creatures Mod [1.7.10] - Minecraft Forum
Jan 7, 2010 · Manticores, Phoenixes, Dragons, Leviathans, Ponies and More! With Awesome Long-reaching swords, Health-giving armor, stuff that can cause ridiculously huge ...
MLP Mythical Creatures Mod [1.7.10] - Minecraft Forum
Jan 4, 2015 · all the mods i have are orespawn, derpy squid mod,superheros unlimited, staffs mod, last sword you will ever need,cyans swords mod, morphing mod,godzilla mod, ocean craft mod Last edited by poopoojiggie : Jan 4, 2015
Mlp Skin Mod - Java Edition Support - Support - Minecraft Forum
Jun 25, 2013 · Hey! I just installed mlp skin mod and i made a skin i uploaded it and now i'm gonna change it but when i upload the skin it's the same i made a little list of what i did-installed mod-uploadded skin-tried to change but it was still the same skin D:-uninstalling mod-uploading normal Mc skin-installing mod -uploaded the pony skin i wanted
MLP Mythical Creatures Mod [1.7.10] - Minecraft Forum
Jan 7, 2010 · This is very MLP based thing, but i realy like the models of most mobs . By the way wich version is this? the minecraft By the way wich version is this? the minecraft It's for MC 1.6.4.
[16x] (1.8) Pony Craft - Resource Packs - Minecraft Forum
Sep 12, 2015 · MLP FIM based pack that's fan made, packs a WIP but will probably be that in till MLP is finished airing but is completely usable and is compatible with MC 1.2.5. I'm probably not going to add updates for prereleases or snapshots. I'm hoping to add some mod support and higher resolution versions some time but may not be any time soon.
MLP Mythical Creatures Mod [1.7.10] - Minecraft Forum
Jan 7, 2010 · There's MLP things everywhere, meaning the "Mythical creatures" part is a false. TL;dr, "MLP and mythical creatures", more like "MLP Deviantart OC's and mary sues." I don't mind there being a MLP mod, but if its stealing models and such in quick attempt to be another one of those OP mods that is made to rival other mods,then no.
[WIP][1.2.5] MLP:FiM Familiar Pack [pre-release v0.5] - Minecraft …
Jul 12, 2012 · The unfortunate part is that I'm not a very good coder, I'm pretty much learning as I go here so a lot of the really cool stuff is beyond me at the moment. I really like your ideas though, so once I get better at this I'll certainly give it a shot. After I get the MLP and TMNT familiars done, I might try to make mini-FF summons.
MLP Mythical Creatures Mod [1.7.10] - Minecraft Forum
Jan 7, 2010 · Orespawn vs Godzilla vs MLP is really terrifying, what if more mods get in the fray? The strongest mob mods outside of these 3 are "K'ril Testuaroth - Wildycraft Mod 2550 health, extreme poison and AOE Fire Attack", "Spiderzilla - Much More Spider Mod 12,000 health, hits pretty hard, took down a horde (50-60) of 1000 HP Nightmares", and "Lady ...