Species Profile - Burbot | Minnesota DNR
Burbot can be found in most Minnesota northern lakes and rivers, including Lake Superior, but can also be found in small numbers in the prairie regions and parts of the lower Mississippi. They are good indicators of a healthy watershed.
Burbot (Eelpout) - Minnesota DNR
With its slimy skin and tendency to wrap itself around your arm, the burbot is considered by many anglers to be the "ish" of fish. But this cousin to the saltwater cod, commonly known as eelpout, is a remarkable predator. The burbot looks like a cross between an eel and a catfish.
Lake of the Woods… The Eelpout (Burbot) Capital of the World!
When ice fishing up at The Walleye Capital of the World and you set the hook on what seemingly feels at first like a trophy walleye, don’t be surprised if what appears in your fish hole is a big burbot! The burbot or eelpout as some call them are loved by some and disliked by others.
Burbot fishing in Minnesota - Fishermap
Below you can see the analytics for Burbot fishing in Minnesota. And the map shows spots in Minnesota, where fishermen caught Burbot. Explore the map and charts for more successful Burbot fishing. Burbot fishing analytics by month, time and weather for Minnesota.
Burbot - Lake Superior Streams
The burbot is a cold-water species and can be found in most of Minnesota's northern lakes and rivers, including Lake Superior. It is present but not common in prairie sites and parts of the lower Mississippi River.
How To Catch Burbot - In-Fisherman
Jan 2, 2024 · Burbot aren't strong swimmers, relying instead on camouflage and a sensitive lateral line to capture food. Their strong triangular jaws are filled with rows of tiny teeth, designed to seize and swallow live prey. Burbot inhabit northern lakes, rivers, and even brackish estuaries around the globe.
Burbot - Wikipedia
The burbot (Lota lota), also known as bubbot, [2] mariah, [3] loche, cusk, [4] freshwater cod, [5] freshwater ling, freshwater cusk, the lawyer, coney-fish, lingcod, [6] or eelpout, is a species of coldwater ray-finned fish native to the subarctic regions of the Northern hemisphere.
How about that? Minnesota has a new game fish species: the burbot
Feb 13, 2022 · The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is designating the burbot as a game fish species in the 2022 fishing regulations booklet, which should be available sometime in the next few weeks.
For forty years, Walker, Minnesota’s International Eelpout Festival ...
Feb 14, 2022 · The eelpout (Lota lota), or burbot, is a variety of cod. It is a slimy, eel-like bottom-feeder that dwells in cold northern lakes and rivers.
5 Facts About The Eelpout Fish - River Bend Resort
Jan 15, 2021 · The eelpout fish, otherwise known as the burbot, are long slimy-skinned fish belonging to the cod family that looks almost like a cross between a catfish and an eel. River Bend Resort, located on Lake of the Woods, is no stranger to these odd fish as they are abundant in Minnesota’s northern waters. There is even an annual festival held in ...