Minerva McGonagall - Wikipedia
Professor Minerva McGonagall is a fictional character in the Harry Potter series of novels by J. K. Rowling. McGonagall is a professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she is also the head of Gryffindor House and the deputy headmistress under Albus Dumbledore.
Minerva McGonagall - Harry Potter Wiki
Professor Minerva McGonagall plays a pivotal role in the series. She is the first magical character introduced in the books, appearing in her Animagus form, and the second magical character introduced in the films following Albus Dumbledore.
William McGonagall - Wikipedia
William McGonagall (March 1825 [2] – 29 September 1902) was a Scottish poet and public performer. He gained notoriety as an extremely bad poet who exhibited no recognition of, or concern for, his peers' opinions of his work.
Harry Potter | Professor McGonagall - Wizarding World
Aug 10, 2015 · Though she gave up Quidditch on leaving Hogwarts, the innately competitive Professor McGonagall later took a keen interest in the fortunes of her house team, and retained a keen eye for Quidditch talent.
Professor McGonagall Character Analysis in Harry Potter and the ...
Professor Minerva McGonagall is the head of Gryffindor House at Hogwarts. Readers first meet Professor McGonagall in cat form as she observes the Dursley family before she, Dumbledore, and Hagrid leave Harry with his aunt and uncle.
Minerva McGonagall | Official Harry Potter Encyclopedia
McGonagall was a talented Animagus, and her animal form was a tabby cat. Fiercely loyal to Dumbledore, she was the Headmaster's trusted confidant, and loyal member of the Order of the Phoenix.
All about... Minerva Mcgonagall | Wizarding World - Harry Potter
Aug 2, 2016 · Professor McGonagall, the strict but sentimental Transfiguration teacher, plays a major role in Harry’s life right from his first day at Hogwarts. We’ve mapped out absolutely everything you need to know about the Head of Gryffindor.
McGonagall Online - A Tribute to William McGonagall, Poet and …
This site provides a comprehensive guide to the life and works of William McGonagall, including 258 of his poems and his remarkable (and unintentionally hilarious) autobiography. Please click on one of the headings below to begin your visit.
The Professors: Minerva McGonagall - World of Potter
Aug 29, 2024 · Few characters in the Harry Potter series command as much respect and admiration as Professor Minerva McGonagall. Known for her sharp wit, unyielding bravery, and unparalleled mastery of Transfiguration, McGonagall is a figure who embodies the very essence of what it means to be a true Gryffindor.
The J.K. Rowling Index | Professor McGonagall
By the end of her education at Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall had achieved an impressive record: top grades in O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s, Prefect, Head Girl, and winner of the Transfiguration Today Most Promising Newcomer award.