Madtom - Wikipedia
Madtoms are freshwater catfishes (order Siluriformes) of the genus Noturus of the family Ictaluridae. It is the most species-rich genus of catfish in North America, [1] native to the …
Madtom | Freshwater, Bottom-Dwelling, North America | Britannica
Madtoms inhabit the bottoms of streams, rivers, and lake shores. Species include the stonecat (N. flavus), a common, yellow-brown fish usually found under stones by day, and the tadpole …
Tadpole madtom - Wikipedia
The tadpole madtom is an invertivore, planktivore, but also feeds on particulate. A Common food source for the tadpole madtom are immature insects and small crustaceans such as cladocera …
Carolina Madtom - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The Carolina madtom is a small catfish that is found only in North Carolina, within the Neuse River. The fish faces a variety of threats. Habitat degradation - the primary threat - affects …
What’s in a Name? Frecklebelly Madtom
Twenty-nine madtom species inhabit streams and rivers in the central and eastern United States, and most fall under the management purview of state fish and wildlife agencies. Their common …
A lesser known catfish, the madtom, is a venomous species found …
On Oct. 16, 2023, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service pronounced the Scioto madtom extinct. In scientific parlance, the tiny fish is known as Noturus trautmani. The epithet honors legendary …
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Venomous ducts inside large spines on its pectoral fin give the species its name, Noturus furiosus, which is Latin for “mad or raging.” The Carolina madtom belongs to the family Icta …
Madtoms are small (typically <12.5 cm), short-lived (typically <3 years) catfishes belonging to the genus Noturus of the North American catfish family Ictaluridae.
Mountain Madtom | Missouri Department of Conservation
The mountain madtom is rare and endangered in Missouri. This small catfish has been recorded from only a few locations in the southeastern portion of the state.
Brindled Madtom — Conservation Fisheries
Brindled Madtom | Noturus minurus. Status: IUCN: Least Concern. Threats: Agricultural practices, habitat destruction, and sedimentation (What do these terms mean?) Native Range: Lower …