Mahyco Private Limited
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.
About Us - Mahyco
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.
Mahyco :: Research-development
Mahyco’s research focuses on developing insect resistance as a value added trait in crops such as rice, brinjal and okra. The products contain one or more genes – cry genes from Bacillus thuringiensis – that have proven efficacy in the management of specific target insect pests.
Vegetable Crops - Mahyco
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.
Row Crops - Mahyco
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.
Cotton - Mahyco
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.
Our Inspiration - Mahyco
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.
Mahyco :: Update on CSR Projects & expenditure
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.
Indian Agricultures Dependence On Monsoon - Mahyco
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.
Vegetable Crops :: Brinjal Hybrid - Mahyco
Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seeds. Through the use of cutting edge technology and intensive research activities, Mahyco has revolutionized the agrarian face of the country.