Marozi - Wikipedia
The marozi is a name given to a type of spotted feline similar to a lion but with leopard-like spots, which was sighted in Kenya in the early 20th century. There are claims that skins of hunted …
斑點獅 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
斑點獅(英語: Marozi 、學名:Panthera leo maculatus)是獅子的一個亞種,體型較一般獅子細,不同於一般獅子居住在草原,班點獅適合居住在山區,已經絕跡於世上。
斑点狮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mar 3, 2025 · 斑点狮 (英语: Marozi 、 学名: Panthera leo maculatus)是 狮子 的一个亚种,体型较一般狮子细,不同于一般狮子居住在草原,班点狮适合居住在山区,已经绝迹于世上 …
Marozi - Cryptid Wiki | Fandom
The Marozi or spotted lion is a feline cryptid from the mountainous regions of Eastern Africa. Kenya's Aberdare Mountains are believed by local hunters as well as some western naturalists …
Marozi | CryptoWiki | Fandom
The Marozi or spotted lion is variously claimed by zoologists and cryptozoologists to be a distinct race of lion adapted for a montane rather than savanna-dwelling existence, a rare natural …
The Cryptid Zoo: Marozi (Spotted Lion) - newanimal.org
The marozi, or spotted lion, is a mystery cat of eastern Africa. Unlike most cryptids, there doesn't seem to be anything particularly absurd about it. It is biologically quite plausible, and it doesn't …
The Marozi: Africa’s Mysterious Spotted Big Cat" - YouTube
Known for its spotted coat and elusive nature, the marozi is rumored to be more than just a lion. Could it be a hybrid, a unique subspecies, or even a completely new species of big cat? In this...
Marozi - SciiFii Wiki | Fandom
The marozi (Panthera leo maculatus), also known as the spotted lion and the spotted mountain lion, is a subspecies of lion that was originally either an extinct race/subspecies of lion or it …
Marozi | Encyclopaedia of Cryptozoology | Fandom
The marozi (Kikuyu: "solitary lion"; [1] Panthera leo maculatus) or spotted lion was a mystery cat reported from the montane forests of Kenya, particularly the Aberdare Range, allegedly …
Marozi - Fairy Tales and Myths
Dec 7, 2023 · The marozi, or spotted lion, is an alleged variety of lions native to the Aberdare mountain (Kikuyu language: Nyandarua) range of west-central Kenya, north of Nairobi. The …