Which dot character to use in which context? - TeX - TeX - LaTeX …
May 27, 2011 · As I think it, the 22C5 ⋅ DOT OPERATOR is the mathematical version of 00B7 · MIDDLE DOT and 2219 ∙ BULLET OPERATOR of 2022 • BULLET, respectively, when it comes to appearance. One will probably get the most “regular-looking” result with using the 22C5 ⋅ DOT OPERATOR for regular (scalar) multiplication and the 2219 ∙ BULLET ...
punctuation - Interpunct / middle dot in American English
Feb 12, 2018 · In British typography, the space dot is an interpunct used as the formal decimal point. Its use is advocated by laws and by academic circles such as the Cambridge University History Faculty Style Guide and is mandated by some UK …
symbols - vertically centered dot - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Dec 17, 2010 · \textbullet (in text mode) and \cdot (in math mode) look pretty different; the former is much heavier. If you want a light dot, one option is just to write $\cdot$, of course. Alternatively, maybe look here or here. Interpunct on Wikipedia maybe …
How do I type the interpunct - Japanese Language Meta Stack …
Feb 25, 2012 · なかぐろ seems to work for converting to U+30FB katakana middle dot (・) on both Windows 7 and Anthy for Linux. なかてん doesn't seem to work on the Windows 7 Japanese IME, but it looks like it does convert to U+30FB katakana middle dot (・) on Anthy for Linux.
Middle dot/interpunct in text mode with LuaLaTeX
Mar 9, 2018 · Lowering the dot with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX. Change \newunicodechar{·}{\makebox[0.27em]{·}} into \newunicodechar{·}{\ensuremath{{\cdot}}} Just for comparison, if LuaLaTeX is used with main font set to Libertinus Serif, we get, with no \newunicodechar fix, Different fix. Another possibility is to take the middle dot from another …
Symbol of Dot inside a circle - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Mar 18, 2021 · As complement, as it's not exactly the fat dot you're looking for. From unicode: ⊙ (U+2299, cicled dot operator) ⨀ (U+2A00, n-ary circled dot operator) ☉ (U+2609, sun) From Latex: \odot usually for the unit solar mass
writing style - Punctuation of Initials in Name - English Language ...
Jun 18, 2018 · If you're looking at omitting the dot/period, I would personally avoid adding spaces between the initials, e.g. J K Rowling. But people are free to write their name as they please. References A Wikipedia page of authors whose first and middle names are abbreviated; e.g. D. H. Lawrence, J. D. Salinger, T. S. Eliot, J. R. R. Tolkien, etc. They ...
punctuation - Full stop, double stop, period and colon - English ...
The high dot (˙) was called a "periodos" and indicated a finished thought or sentence, the middle dot (·) was called a "kolon" and indicated part of a complete thought, while the low dot (.) was called a "telia" and
Making a thicker \cdot for dot product (that is thinner than \bullet)
I used Heiko Oberdiek's solution, which is based on Manuel's solution. It has always worked well with the pdflatex compiler, thanks for that. But a while back I had to use the regular latex compiler, and the dot product then appears as a usual \bullet in the dvi file: 2020-06-08 update. For those interested, several solutions that work with dvi:
Dots in the middle of a row - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
\vdotswithin just aligns the dots in the middle of the witdth of the argument, that way, after the alignment point & you are aligning the dots to the middle of the equal sign width. – Manuel Commented Sep 14, 2016 at 16:24