Millennialism - Wikipedia
Millennialism (from Latin mille 'thousand' annus 'year' and -ism) or chiliasm (from the Greek equivalent) is a belief which is held by some religious denominations. According to this belief, a Messianic Age will be established on Earth prior to the Last Judgment and the future permanent state of "eternity". [1]
Millennialism | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica
millennialism, the belief, expressed in the book of Revelation to John, the last book of the New Testament, that Christ will establish a 1,000-year reign of the saints on earth (the millennium) before the Last Judgment.
Four Views on the Millennium - Study Resources - Blue Letter Bible
[ also termed nunc-millennialism or inaugurated millennialism ] Definition: The amillennialist believes that the Kingdom of God was inaugurated at Christ's resurrection (hence the term "inaugurated millennialism") at which point he gained victory over both Satan and the Curse.
Views of the Millennium - The Gospel Coalition
Postmillennialists believe Christ returns after the millennium as a golden age when the majority of the world has converted to Christianity. Premillennialists believe Christ returns before the millennium preceded by a period of intense tribulation. This article examines some of the details and characteristics of these three views of the Millennium.
Amillennialism - Wikipedia
Amillennialism or amillenarism is a chillegoristic eschatological position in Christianity which holds that there will be no millennial reign of the righteous on Earth.
What is millennialism? - GotQuestions.org
Aug 4, 2022 · Millennialism is the belief in a literal reign of Christ on earth for 1,000 years in the future. The word millennium means “1,000 years”—from mille , the Latin word for “1,000,” and the word annus , Latin for “year.”
Millennialism - Eschatology, Apocalypticism, Utopianism | Britannica
Feb 20, 2025 · American millennialism split into two traditions: premillennialism (the belief that Jesus will come before the millennium and inaugurate it) and postmillennialism (the belief that Jesus will come after the millennium inaugurated by …
Millenarianism - Wikipedia
Millenarianism or millenarism (from Latin millenarius 'containing a thousand' and -ism) is the belief by a religious, social, or political group or movement in a coming fundamental transformation of society, after which "all things will be changed". [1] .
Millennialism - Apocalyptic, Eschatology, Revelation | Britannica
Feb 20, 2025 · At the beginning of the 5th century ad (c. 5900 am), Jerome and Augustine, perceiving the danger of apocalyptic millennialism, developed new and more stringent ways to oppose to it.
Millennialism - New World Encyclopedia
Millennialism or millenarianism is a Christian belief, based on the Book of Revelation 20:1-6, that Christ will establish a kingdom on earth for a duration of 1,000 years. The term comes from "millennium" (Latin mille "one thousand" and annum "year"), which means "one thousand years."