dss_solve_real, dss_solve_complex - Intel
Compute the corresponding solution vector and place it in the output array.
DSS is a simplified interface of Intel® MKL PARDISO. Simpler and easier to use. Not as many fine tuning options. A group of routines used in step-by-step solving process. Six steps: …
Tips for using Intel® Math Kernel Library PARDISO
Aug 11, 2019 · The oneMKL DSS interface for PARDISO was created to provide a simpler interface to the functionality, but often users still want to use the PARDISO interface. This …
Direct Sparse Solver (DSS) Interface Routines - UNAM
Intel MKL supports the DSS interface, an alternative to the PARDISO* interface for the direct sparse solver. The DSS interface implements a group of user-callable routines that are used in …
Additional output of direct sparse solver routines
Jul 1, 2009 · But since MKL 10.1 it is possible to get the result of each (forward and backward) substitution separately. Namely, from the MKL manual: The parameter opt allows to calculate …
problems with MKL_DSS_DIAGONAL_SOLVE - Intel Community
Aug 19, 2013 · It appears to me that you are not making a consistent sequence of calls using the DSS interface. You have specified that the matrix type is symmetric positive definite, in which …
How to reshape matrix into row-major order for MKL DSS?
I would like to use MKL to solve a sparse linear system. I chose the DSS (Direct Sparse Solver) interface, which implements the following steps: According to my test, the DSS uses a column …
MKL-DSS-DSS-Error, Out of memory - Intel Communities
Sep 6, 2013 · the memory leakage problem with DSS API has been fixed in update 1 ( MKL version 11.1.1 ). This update you can download from intel reqistration center. Please let us …
Sparse Solver - wwwuser.gwdguser.de
Intel® MKL provides a user-callable direct sparse solver subroutine to solve symmetric and symmetricly-structured matrices with real or complex coefficients. For sparse symmetric …
Using Intel® MKL in your C# program - 英特尔
Sep 11, 2017 · These examples show how to create a custom dynamic link library (custom DLL) from Intel MKL static libraries, then call those functions from their C# source, and interface …