Mumps | Health topics A to Z - CKS | NICE
Mumps is an acute infectious disease caused by a paramyxovirus, characterised by bilateral parotid swelling. It is spread by respiratory droplets, fomites or saliva. The incubation period of mumps is 14-18 days (range 12–25 days).
Diagnosis of mumps - CKS | NICE
The diagnosis of mumps is usually clinical and is confirmed by laboratory analysis of a saliva sample to detect the presence of immunoglobulin (Ig)M mumps antibody. Consider a diagnosis of mumps in people presenting with parotitis (swollen parotid glands) — this is present in 95% of symptomatic cases.
Scenario: Management | Management | Mumps - CKS | NICE
Mumps is a notifiable disease, if there is any suspicion of infection, notify the local Health Protection Team (HPT), who will arrange a testing kit for confirmation and surveillance purposes. Mumps is usually confirmed (if required) through an oral fluid (saliva) swab. Advise the …
Chapter 15: Mumps | Pink Book | CDC - Centers for Disease …
Learn about mumps and vaccination, including vaccine safety, efficacy, storage, and reporting.
Mumps: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Doctor - Patient
Oct 14, 2024 · Mumps is an acute, generalised infection caused by a paramyxovirus, usually in children and young adults. It can infect any organ but usually affects the salivary glands and, less often, the pancreas, testis, ovary, brain, mammary gland, liver, kidney, joints and heart.
Mumps - NHS
Mumps is a contagious viral infection that used to be common in children before the introduction of the MMR vaccine. Symptoms of mumps. Mumps is most recognisable by the painful swellings in the side of the face under the ears (the parotid glands), giving a person with mumps a distinctive "hamster face" appearance.
Mumps: epidemiology, surveillance and control - GOV.UK
Apr 1, 2013 · Mumps is a viral illness caused by a paramyxovirus. Transmission is by direct contact with saliva or droplets from the saliva of an infected person. Early symptoms include a headache and fever...
Mumps | Infection Control | CDC
Apr 5, 2024 · Prevention of transmission of the mumps virus in healthcare settings involves (a) ensuring HCP have presumptive evidence of immunity 16; (b) using infection prevention and control practices as recommended by CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/infection-control/hcp/isolation-precautions/appendix-a-type-duration.html#M) 17; and (c) excluding potentially inf...
Management | Mumps | CKS | NICE
Scenario: Management: Covers the management of mumps, including notification and confirmation, the management of contacts, and the management of mumps epididymo-orchitis. The content on the NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries site (CKS) is the copyright of Clarity Informatics Limited (trading as Agilio Software Primary Care) .
Mumps - GPnotebook
Mumps is an acute contagious RNA paramyxovirus disease seen mainly in childhood, involving chiefly the salivary glands, most often the parotids, but other tissues may be affected, including the meninges and in postpubertal males the testes (1).