Female Face Mask (Mwana Pwo) | The Art Institute of Chicago
A popular and frequent occurrence in entertainment masquerades, mwana pwo represents a female ancestor but is always worn by a male dancer. This mask type symbolizes fecundity and the prominent role of women in Chokwe society.
Female (pwo) Mask - Smarthistory
Mwana Pwo engages the audience with hand gestures, dances, and songs. Through graceful and elegant speech and movements, Mwana Pwo models ideal feminine beauty and behavior. However, if women do not feel that a dancer performs well, they might chase away that dancer.
Mwana Pwo
Mwana Pwo (menina na língua local Tchokwe) é uma organização de defesa dos direitos das mulheres jovens que foi formada em 2016, registrada em Setembro de 2017 como uma organização não governamental sem fins lucrativos e publicada no diário da República de Angola em 19 de Dezembro do mesmo ano (2017).
Mask (Mwana pwo) - Detroit Institute of Arts
The Chokwe of Angola use a beautiful mask called Mwana pwo in their initiation ceremonies known as mukanda. Although they are exclusively worn by men, Mwana pwo masks represent female ancestors and emphasize the features that are most admired in young women.
Mask (Mwana Pwo) - Brooklyn Museum
Mwana pwo (young woman) masks, danced by Chokwe men at festivals primarily for entertainment, are said to bestow increased fertility on the spectators. The masks represent female ancestors depicted as beautiful young women, with high foreheads, balanced features, filed teeth, and scarification.
Face mask - Smithsonian Institution
This mask represents a beautiful young woman adorned with tattoos, earrings and an elaborate coiffure. The original Chokwe name (pwo) referred to an adult woman who had given birth. The more recent name, mwana pwo, probably adopted under European influence, emphasizes youthful, feminine beauty.
Pwo Mask – University of Michigan Museum of Art
This Mwana Pwo mask represents an original ancestor and the embodiment of feminine ideals in Chokwe masquerades. All Mwana Pwo masks share formal similarities, such as almond-shaped eyes, an open mouth, and a delicate chin, expressing a notion of timeless beauty.
Beauty Treatment: Conserving the Mwana Pwo Mask
Mar 5, 2021 · Composed of carved wood, paint, and plant fibers, this beautiful Mwana Pwo mask from the Chokwe communities of southwestern Angola and Democratic Republic of Congo depicts a woman’s idealized face. Strands of reed beads hang from a burlap cap tied to the mask, which is topped with a braided headband along the hairline.
Luvale - Lwena Mwana Pwevo mask - RAND AFRICAN ART
Mwana Pwo or Mwana Pwevo means a younger, potential woman. Pwo or Pwevo alone refers to a fulfilled woman. This example conforms to a defined Lwena style that is distinguished by gentle lines, a tendency toward naturalism, and a taste for round, full forms.
Chokwe Mwana Pwo - Second Face
The mwana pwo (young woman) mask invokes the spirit of a female ancestor in her most beautiful youth. The dark skin, decorative forehead and cheek scars, high forehead, narrow nose, and filed teeth represent the idealized Chokwe female.
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