Fighting Is Magic EVO 2012 build : Mane6 - Archive.org
Jul 6, 2012 · My Little Pony Fighting Is Magic is an unfinished game that managed to make it to EVO 2012. Hasbro later DMCA'd the developers (MANE6) after this build was leaked by a user on 4chan. This game was reworked into the critically acclaimed "Thems Fightin Herds".
Fighting is Magic: Aurora
Fighting is Magic: Aurora is a fan-made 2D fighting game based on the popular cartoon series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The game features a deep combo system, and the characters bring unique 'magic' techniques with them to the battle!
Fighting is Magic | My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki | Fandom
My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic was an upcoming fan-made fighting game inspired by the animated television series My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.[1][2] It was under development by a team of nine volunteers who call themselves Mane6.[3][4] Being of …
I come to you again to tell you that Fighting is Magic still ... - Reddit
It is completely free to play and has many more characters than the EVO leak and Tribute Edition combined. Not to mention 7+ years worth of bug fixes and balance patches. It also includes a neat launcher that keeps the game up to date while it's installed on your computer. ^^ Image of the in-game character select.
Fan-made My Little Pony fighting game is a finalist for EVO 2013
Jan 9, 2013 · MLP: Fighting is Magic, an unlicensed, fan-made fighting game from developer Mane6, is a finalist for inclusion in the EVO 2013 fighting game tournament, according to a post on Shoryuken. EVO...
Fighting is Magic Tournament (EVO version) : r/mylittlepony - Reddit
Nov 8, 2013 · Hi there, we recently had a tournament in Fighting is Magic and for those of you who are interested in watching you can find the VODs Here. The tournament was hosted by CoffeeFetcher and the brackets and prizes can be found Here.
The Mugen Fighters Guild - My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic …
1 day ago · So yeah, My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic! The Beta build that was meant for EVO2K was unleashed upon the world through a series of leaks courtesy of 4Chan's Anonymous members.
Enjoi My Little Pony 2 Grip Tape - evo
So awesome you won't be able to contain yourself, the Enjoi My Little Pony 2 Grip Tape features a herd of ponies (and one Panda, of course). Everyone loves My Little Pony, so why not pony up your deck and live life to its fullest?
Enjoi My Little Pony Premium 8.0 Skateboard Complete - evo
You don't have to be a 10-year old girl to rock the Enjoi My Little Pony Premium 8.0 Skateboard Complete, but you'd better have your stuff dialed if you're not.
Enjoi My Little Pony 2 First Push 7.625 Skateboard Complete - evo
evo.com : evo.com : With its durable 7-ply hardrock maple construction and custom concave, the Enjoi My Little Pony 2 7.625 Skateboard Complete is ideal for your burgeoning boarder.