nomenclature - What does "n" stand for in n-akyldiols, n-alkanes, …
Sep 23, 2016 · If we weren't dealing with n-alkanes we would have branched chain isomers to consider and potentially very different answers. It is old nomenclature from the days when …
Isomerisation of alkanes under Lewis acidic conditions
Jan 29, 2015 · My textbook says: n-Alkanes on heating in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride and hydrogen chloride gas isomerise to branched chain alkanes. But no mechanism …
organic chemistry - Why alkanes containing even number of …
In short, n-alkanes with an even number of carbon atoms pack more efficiently into ordered periodic crystalline structures and thus exhibit higher densities and melt at higher …
Why n-alkanes can be found in organic solvent extract of rubber?
Oct 28, 2019 · But isoprene has a double bond and in GC chromatogram we can see n-alkanes being the largest peaks. And not only that, we can also find straight chain hydrocarbons in …
organic chemistry - Why the boiling and melting points of n …
Thanks for clearing the fact that they are unrelated.If you could provide me with an explanation on the second part of the post,it'll be much better.So the question can be isolated as "Why n …
What is the Kovat's Index used for? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Jun 12, 2015 · A great many of them are (were - Kováts developed this index in the 1950s) available commercially in high purity (high enough purity that they can be easily purified …
Why do branched chain compounds have lower boiling points …
Nov 15, 2013 · The branched-chain compounds have lower boiling points than the corresponding straight-chain isomers. For example: $\ce{CH_3CH_2CH_2CH_2CH_3}$ - No branching …
organic chemistry - Why is a branched alkane more stable than the ...
Jan 5, 2022 · My text book says that branched alkanes are more stable than their straight-chain isomers, but does not give any explanation. Is this merely a fact, or something that can be …
organic chemistry - How to make a primary alcohol from an alkane ...
Recently a research paper has been published which claims to effectively convert n-alkanes into n-alcohols. It proposes a quadruple relay catalysis for selective synthesis of n-alcohols from n …
enthalpy - Why are branched alkanes used as fuels instead of …
Sep 4, 2020 · My textbook states that branched alkanes are thermodynamically more stable than straight chain alkanes. Of course, iso-octane has an enthalpy of formation of $\Delta …