MOS 13F Fire Support Specialist NCOER Bullets - ArmyWriter.com
NCOER Bullets o stepped up in the absence of our FSNCO and assumed the duty in order to lead our team through live fire exercises successfully o completed high quality bi-lateral training with the Royal Thai Army with minimal guidance
MOS 13F Fire Support Specialist Duty Description - ArmyWriter.com
Serves as the Brigade Fire Support NCO for an Armored Brigade Combat Team; advises and assists the Brigade Fire Support Officer and provides mentorship for 6 Fire Support Sergeants in all Fire Support matters; duties and responsibilities include planning, preparing, executing, and assessing all aspects of Fire Support to include facilitating the...
Aug 23, 2023 · MOS 13F. The Joint Fire Support Specialist serves, leads, or supervises as a member of a Fire Support Team (FIST) or Fire Support Element (FSE) that integrates Artillery, Mortars, Army Attack...
Areas of Special Emphasis - ArmyWriter.com
In the Areas of Special Emphasis block, enter additional duties associated with your job or MOS (if you have any -not everyone does). For example, in a maintenance shop, a person's additional duty, might be Tool Room Monitor, Training NCO or TMDE Monitor.
NCOER Bullet Examples
NCOER Bullet Examples for Presence, Character, Intellect, Leads, Achieves, and Develops
MOS 13F US Army Fire Support Specialist
13f mos Job Detail Supervises, or serves in intelligence activities including target processing in Fires Brigades, FA cannon battalions, artillery and maneuver brigades and Corps headquarters in and fire support elements.
NCOER Resources - Sample NCOER Bullets, Duty Descriptions, …
ArmyNCO.com's NCOER Resources - Your only source for sample NCOER bullets and duty descriptions, NCOER preparation, NCO counseling tips and techniques, and AR 623-3 requirements.
MOS 13F, Fire Support Specialist Awards - ArmyWriter.com
As the Fire Support NCO for the 8th Fighter Wing at Kunsan Airbase, SFC H built a program to train Security Forces Airmen in Emergency Close Air Support, ground to air communications procedures, and small unit battle drills and tactics.
Purpose: to provide basic information on military evaluations (IAW AR 623-3 policy) with an emphasis on Rater and Senior Rater profiles. Be Careful... What you don’t say is just as telling as what...
Sample NCOER Bullets - ArmyNCO
Query the new ArmyNCO.com NCOER Bullet Database for hundreds of categorized NCOER bullets for a wide range of specific MOSs to aid in the preparation of Part IV of the DA Form 2166-9 NCO Evaluation Report (NCOER).