Messier 73 - Wikipedia
Messier 73 (M73, also known as NGC 6994) is an asterism of four stars in the constellation Aquarius which was long thought to be a small open cluster. It lies several arcminutes east of …
Messier 73 - Messier Objects
Jul 24, 2015 · Messier 73 (M73) is an asterism formed by four physically unrelated stars located in the southern constellation Aquarius. The asterism has an apparent magnitude of 9 and lies at …
Messier 73 Star Cluster (NGC 6994) Facts & Distance
Messier 73 (M73, NGC6994) is a star cluster (4 star system) that has a distance from Earth of 2,500.00 light years. It can be found in the constellation of Aquarius. It was discovered in 1780 …
Messier 73 (NGC 6994) | Aquarius - GO ASTRONOMY
Messier 73 (M73), also known as NGC 6994, is a fascinating object in the Messier Catalogue due to its unique nature. Unlike most other entries which are deep sky objects like galaxies, …
M 73 – NGC 6994 – Astrodrudis
Aug 11, 2013 · Name(s): M73, NGC 6994. Type: Asterism. RA: 20h 58m 54s. Dec: -12º 37’ 59.8” Constellation: Aquarius. Size (arcmin): 9. Magnitude: 8.9. Distance: 2,000 ly
Messier 73 - M73 - AstroPixels
Apr 3, 2012 · Messier 73 or M73 (also designated NGC 6994) is an Asterism in the constellation Aquarius. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 9 and its angular diameter is 2.8 arc-minutes. …
M-73, an Asterism of four stars - kopernik.org
Feb 16, 2009 · The four stars that make up M-73 (aka NGC 6994) are probably just a random grouping that happens to lie along the same line of sight (an asterism). The two brightest stars …
The Saturn Nebula, the planetary nebula NGC 7009, lies 1.75 degrees to the northeast of M73. Navigate to Messier 73, NGC 6994: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Messier 73. NGC 6994 – Astrodrudis
Jun 21, 2021 · Size (arcmin): 34×34 arcmin. Telescope: 17” f/6.8 Reflector. Camera: FLI PL16803 (4096x4096pix) Guiding: N/A. Total exposure: 2 hours (RGB: 6:5:5 x7.5 min) Processing: …
NGC 6994 - clearly not a physical stellar ensemble - NASA/ADS
Based on observations made with the spectrograph Elodie on the 1.93 m telescope at Observatoire de Haute Provence. The sparse stellar ensemble NGC 6994 = M 73 has recently …
Messier 73 (NGC 6994): A Pattern of Four Stars Once Mired in …
Oct 11, 2021 · Messier 73 is a pattern (called an asterism) made of four stars in the constellation Aquarius. and is best viewed in autumn. While M73 is not an open star cluster, it’s still a nice …
Messier Index/M73 - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
Messier 73 (also known as M73 and NGC 6994) is an asterism of four w:stars in the constellation of Aquarius. An asterism is comprised of physically unconnected stars that appear close to …
Title: NGC 6994 - clearly not a physical stellar ensemble
Nov 30, 2001 · The sparse stellar ensemble NGC 6994 = M73 has recently been discussed as a possible remnant of an old open cluster. In order to solve the controversy on the nature of this …
Veil Nebula (NGC 6994, 6995, 6960) - Deep Sky Watch
The "Eastern Veil" (NGC 6994, NGC 6995) is bright, long, arc-shaped nebula, with clearly defined edges. It was easily spotted with UHC filter and had a complex, fine structure with lot's of dark …
Messier 73 | Astronomy Wiki | Fandom
Messier 73 (M73, also known as NGC 6994) is an asterism of four stars in the constellation of Aquarius. An asterism is composed of physically unconnected stars that appear close to each …
M73, NGC 6994 - NOIRLab
Jun 30, 2020 · M73, a small open cluster in the constellation Aquarius, is a minor though genuine Messier object, probably appearing just nebulous enough through Messier's early-generation …
NGC 6994 – clearly not a physical stellar ensemble
Feb 15, 2002 · The sparse stellar ensemble NGC 6994 = M 73 has recently been discussed as a possible remnant of an old open cluster. In order to solve the controversy regarding the nature …
Title: NGC 6994: an open cluster which is not an open cluster
Mar 24, 2000 · We report on CCD photometry in the Johnson B,V and I passbands for 146 stars in a 9' \times 9' region around the southern aggregate NGC 6994 (C 2056-128), which appears …
Abstract. The sparse stellar ensemble NGC 6994 = M73 has recently been discussed as a possible remnant of an old open cluster. In order to solve the controversy regarding the nature …
NGC 6994: An open cluster which is not an open cluster
We report on CCD photometry in the Johnson B, V and I passbands for 146 stars in a 9 x 9 region around the southern aggregate NGC 6994 (C 2056-128), which appears in the Lyng {\aa} …