Sauger Management - NYSDEC - New York State Department of …
Sauger are considered critically imperiled in New York State. Management efforts are in place to establish and maintain self-sustaining populations throughout the state.
Conserve and enhance New York State's abundant and diverse populations of freshwater fishes while providing the public with quality recreational angling opportunities. Sauger are North American members of the true perch family, Percidae, and closely resemble walleye in both appearance and function.
Sauger are elongate, cylindrical fish with large canine teeth and are similar in appearance to the closely related walleye. Unique characteristics include rows of distinct black spots on the spiny dorsal (back) fin, and three to four saddle-like dark blotches on light brown to olive colored sides.
Species Synopsis (a short paragraph which describes species taxonomy, distribution, recent trends, and habitat in New York): Sauger are North American members of the true perch family, Percidae, and closely resemble Walleye in both appearance and function.
The sauger is perhaps New York’s most imperiled fish species. There is only one known location where it currently exists, and the status of that population is unknown; because of the scarcity of records over the last 15 years it is at risk of extirpation. The reasons for the decline of sauger in
DEC to Try to Reestablish Sauger Fish in NY - The Niagara Reporter
DEC's plan calls for establishing a self-sustaining sauger population in the upper Allegheny River watershed, determining the status of the fish and potential remedies in Lake Champlain and examining whether the eastern reaches of Lake Erie would be suitable places to restore the sauger population.
New York Angler Achievement Awards Program - NYSDEC
The New York Angler Achievement Awards Program features a number of opportunities for anglers to receive awards and prizes for their amazing catches.
Sauger - Wikipedia
The sauger (Sander canadensis) is a freshwater perciform fish of the family Percidae that resembles its close relative, ... [13]: 5–6 Populations in the Allegheny River are prevented from reaching New York by the Kinzua Dam, which has led to the initiation of a sauger stocking program in the upper Allegheny River. [12]
Conservation Management Plan for Sauger in New York State …
Oct 9, 2013 · Sauger are now considered critically imperiled in New York State and, therefore, conservation and restoration actions are warranted. The goal of this plan is to establish and maintain...
New York Walleye & Sauger Fishing
Fishing For Sauger In New York. Sauger is an excellent eating fish which typically runs a bit smaller than its cousin the walleye. The sauger prefers cold and often cloudy, moving water. They spawn in the low to mid 40s. You can tell them from a walleye by the dark spotting on the dorsal fin, darker coloring and the rough covering of the gill area.