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MyNavy Portal(MNP) is the one stop shop to manage your Navy career
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Maintenance Page - MyNavy Portal
MyNavy Portal(MNP) is the one stop shop to manage your Navy career
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NAVADMIN 65/20 - MyNavy Portal
rmks/1. this navadmin supplements guidance in reference (a) and announces domestic travel and movement restrictions to mitigate the spread of covid-19 throughout the navy, as outlined in reference (b). it amplifies guidance in references (b), (c), and (e) for navy military members, navy civilians, and their families.
NAVADMIN 64/20 - MyNavy Portal
This NAVADMIN announces further measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 throughout the Navy enterprise and amplifies DoD and DON references (o) and (n) guidance for Navy military members. It summarizes and repeats applicable guidance where appropriate so that this will serve as a one-stop information source.
(MNP) and Navy Personnel and Pay (NP2), on mobile devices without a CAC. CAC-free login requires the establishment of a MyNavy HR CAC-free account linked to a second factor authentication application.
Go to MyNavy Portal (my.navy.mil) and select Quick Links on the landing page. Note: Currently, NP2 is best accessed through Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. On the Quick Links menu page, choose MyPCS or NP2 .
Go to MyNavy Portal (my.navy.mil) and select Quick Links on the landing page. On the Quick Links menu page, choose MyPCS or NP2 . Note: Currently NP2 is best accessed through Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.
For more details, read NAVADMIN 03/21 at www.npc.navy.mil. Where to get tested Military Treatment Facilities (MTF) may execute free tests for service members and dependents if tests are scheduled prior to arrival and OCONUS orders are in hand.