Nectria - Wikipedia
Nectria is a genus of Ascomycete fungi. They are most often encountered as saprophytes on decaying wood but some species can also occur as parasites of trees, especially fruit trees …
Nectria Canker and Dieback - Missouri Botanical Garden
Nectria canker, which is caused by the fungus, Nectria galligena, may occur on over 60 species of trees and shrubs including apple, ash, birch, dogwood, elm, sweet gum, holly, maple, pear, …
Nectria - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Nectria canker is caused by the fungus Nectria galligena (Fig. 9.4), however, other species of Nectria are sometimes known to produce similar cankers. The fungus overwinters as fruiting …
Nectria Canker - Wisconsin Horticulture
Nectria canker is a common and potentially lethal disease that affects many species of trees and shrubs. This factsheet describes what nectria canker looks like and management options.
What Is Nectria Canker: How To Treat Nectria Canker On Trees ...
Nov 23, 2021 · Nectria canker on trees is a fungal infection. If a tree is healthy, it can typically recover. Weaker trees may get girdled and ultimately die. Know the signs of nectria canker, …
Fact Sheet: Nectria Twig Blight and Canker
What is Nectria Twig Blight and Nectria Canker? These are two separate diseases caused by two different species of Nectria. Nectria cinnabarinia causes nectria twig blight, while Neonectria …
Nectria Twig Blight | NYSIPM - Cornell CALS
Nectria twig blight, or coral spot, is a sporadic apple disease often mistaken for other issues like fire blight or damage from breaks. It causes cankers at infection sites, often showing pink or …
Nectria - Sordariomycetes
There were around 800 epithets proposed for Nectria sensu lato with 200 estimated species (Booth 1959, Rossman 1996). Species in Nectria sensu stricto have been listed with a key to …
A monograph of Allantonectria, Nectria, and Pleonectria (Nectriaceae ...
Mar 1, 2012 · The objectives of this study are to 1) provide a phylogenetic overview to determine if species of Nectria with Gyrostroma, Tubercularia, and Zythiostroma anamorphs form a …
Nectria is the sexual stage of several asexual or "imperfect" fungi including Fusarium, Cylindrosporium, and Tubercularia. Nectria infection causes crown and lower stem rots. …