Alternative ultra darts? : r/Nerf - Reddit
Oct 4, 2020 · The ultra line is disliked for many reasons, like the scummy misleading marketing, low quality darts, overpricing, and more. Most people in the hobby only really buy Ultra blasters to mod them, usually to fire Elite darts, so Ultra hasn’t really caught on …
Unpopular opinion: Nerf ultra is actually really good. : r/Nerf - Reddit
Nerf Ultra is awful because the only reason it exists was to monopolize the dart market and make it much harder for 3rd party manufacturers to make cheaper, better darts. Nerf was mad that companies sold 200 pack darts for 15 bucks that were better than Elite Darts (70 for …
(Amateur) Review of the EKIND Ultra dart magazine : r/Nerf - Reddit
Jul 30, 2023 · I tested the 3 different Ultra darts I have (regular black w/orange tip, screamer black w/blue tip, and the Accu silver w/red tip) in the 3 Ultra mag/clip blasters I have: Amp, Select, and Pharaoh. They all fired just fine. The mags didn’t slide the easiest into the Select magwell mechanism, but neither do my official Nerf Ultra mags.
Nerf Ultra: How do they rate? Anyone playing with them? : r/Nerf
Dec 20, 2021 · I like the series well enough. I would recommend you get a spring powered blaster as opposed to a battery powered blaster because the flywheels in the battery operated blasters will sometimes rip the heads off the darts. The Nerf Ultra Pharaoh, Two, Scream Machine, and AMP/Focus are good though those last three are battery powered.
Half dart ultra select using ultra amp kit : r/Nerf - Reddit
Nov 5, 2021 · Welcome, Foam Warriors! This is a place for all things foam-blasting! Nerf brand blasters, alternative-brands, modifications, community made designs, competitive wars, Humans vs. Zombies, Water Blasters, and much more! Please see dedicated airsoft and gelsoft subs for …
Hasbro cancels Nerf ULTRA line: Wall Street Journal cites ... - Reddit
Apr 1, 2021 · As many of you have hoped and dreamed, the Wall Street Journal is reporting today that Hasbro will be ending the Nerf ULTRA line of dart blasters, available since late 2019. The WSJ stated that due to "a long build up of online outrage by blaster fans young and old, the world's largest toy brand will be pulling and ending their latest flagship ...
Is the Nerf Ultra series worth buying? : r/Nerf - Reddit
Jun 24, 2020 · Welcome, Foam Warriors! This is a place for all things foam-blasting! Nerf brand blasters, alternative-brands, modifications, community made designs, competitive wars, Humans vs. Zombies, Water Blasters, and much more! Please see dedicated airsoft and gelsoft subs for …
Is the Nerf Ultra AMP and Ultra Focus just the same thing ... - Reddit
Feb 4, 2022 · Welcome, Foam Warriors! This is a place for all things foam-blasting! Nerf brand blasters, alternative-brands, modifications, community made designs, competitive wars, Humans vs. Zombies, Water Blasters, and much more! Please see dedicated airsoft and gelsoft subs for …
Nerf ultra select magazine : r/Nerf - Reddit
Feb 21, 2022 · Ultra Select magazines are cross-compatible with Pharoh mags, Amp mags, and Focus mags. This magazine seems to be a new standard independent of any blaster, similar to how nstrike/elite dart magazines are (usually) fully cross-compatible.
What's better: Nerf Ultra or Elite? : r/Nerf - Reddit
Sep 8, 2022 · Ultra blasters are definitely stronger blasters that hit a performance target over Nerf Elite - Ultra averages 90 - 100 FPS, Elite is usually 65-70 FPS. However, Ultra has some weird design decisions, more expensive ammo (and only the Accustrike Ultra is worth it), different magazines, and other similar challenges within the line.