Benefits & Pay - National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NGA has a comprehensive awards program that is intended to encourage high productivity by acknowledging superior performance. The recognition may be by means of individual or group monetary (cash) awards, time off from work (time off awards), or non-monetary honorary awards.
Awards and decorations of the United States government
National Security Medal National Intelligence Medal of Achievement (NIAM) The USDA's Honor Awards is a tradition dating back to 1947 and represents the highest awards granted by the Secretary to an individual or group for contribution or achievement in support of …
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is a combat support agency within the United States Department of Defense whose primary mission is collecting, analyzing, and distributing geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) in support of national security.
National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation - Wikipedia
The National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation (NIMUC) is an award of the National Intelligence Awards Program, for contributions to the United States Intelligence Community.
Montgomery Medal | National Guard Association of the United …
The Montgomery Medal, first presented in 2004, provides a mechanism to recognize an individual (or organization) who provides outstanding support in the pursuit of the NGAUS objectives. The award bears former Rep. Sonny Montgomery’s likeness on a five-sided medal.
Awards - National Guard Association of the United States
The Charles Dick Medal of Merit was established in 1988 and is designed to recognize the contributions to the National Guard by elected representatives to legislative bodies at the state and national levels. Learn more.
2024 Award Recipients - National Guard Association of the United …
Major General John J. Pesch Flight Safety Trophy.
Vice Admiral Frank Whitworth - National Geospatial-Intelligence …
Vice Admiral Frank Whitworth is the eighth Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. He leads and directs NGA under the authorities of the Secretary of Defense and Director of National Intelligence. He became NGA?s director on June 3, 2022.
Brett Markham, Deputy Director - National Geospatial-Intelligence …
Mr. Brett Markham serves as the tenth Deputy Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. In this role, he assists the director both in leading the agency and in managing the National System for Geospatial Intelligence.
Meritorious Service Award - National Guard Association of the …
Any member of the National Guard, NGAUS or the Armed Forces of the United States, or any civilian assigned to a National Guard Bureau or state headquarters is eligible to receive the Meritorious Service Award. This award is a walnut plaque that has the NGAUS seal engraved in it.
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