Nikon F70, F75 or F80? Which one should i buy? - Photo.net
May 15, 2020 · I would skip the F70/N70. Has a weird (to me anyway) user interface like no other Nikon camera. Designed by a Nikon engineer who was also a closet Star Wars fan me thinks.:);) F80/N80 is the best of the 3 you listed. When it was offered new, it was the top of the line consumer film camera in Nikon's lineup. F75/N75 was the next lower tier camera.
Comparison between Nikon F65 and F75 - Photo.net
Jul 18, 2004 · Most folks here will advise you to try to have a look at N80 or some manual focus Nikon like FE2/FM2/FM3A instead. Anyway, if you want to stick to your plan of getting either a F65 or a F75, I think F75 is the better one. The major differnece is that F75 offers you a spot meter, while the F65 doesn't.
Nikon F75, is it any good? - Nikon - Photo.net
Sep 14, 2003 · I am thinking of buying the Nikon F75 with a 28 - 80 zoom. I am looking for feedback about this camera. Is it good? Why and . compared to newer models? I am a Canadian student so price is an issue. In addition, can you recommend any good books that will help me . learn about Nikon cameras and Nikon history? Thank you so much for your time Scarlett
F75 Vs F80 - Nikon - Photo.net
Jun 20, 2003 · Hey guys, wondering if anyone can help. have made the decision to upgrade the old Ricoh XR-M, which has served me well. Have been looking at Nikon's and have cut it down to either the F75 or the F80. Finding it hard to choose and also wether to buy a package with a 28-80 or 28-100 or to go for ju...
f65, f75 or f80????????? - Nikon - Photo.net
May 13, 2003 · There are two F75 Reviews that I am aware of. Both are favourable towards the new F75. I have one myself that actually replaces the F65. I tend to agree that the F65 has benefits (size, weight, fps) over the F75. The F75 on the other hand has many benefits over the F65, not in the least being the in-viewer focus points.
F801s vs F801 vs F75. Help me decide please. - Nikon - Photo.net
Oct 29, 2003 · The F75 doesn't seem to have any technical advantages, but it does seem to be in the lightweight (read fragile) range of Nikon bodies, so you'd gain sturdieness and faster shutter speed (not so important) and flash synchro (more important : F75 is 1/90th, F801(s) is 1/250th), as well as use of AA batteries and manual rewind (auto rewind is ...
ISO setting on N75/F75 - Nikon - Photo.net
Oct 7, 2004 · I am a new owner of the N75/F75. I have read in a lot of posts in this forum that manual override of the automatic ISO film speed setting in this camera is not possible. I have also learnt that this is possible (in a limited way ofcourse)through the use of esposure compensation. But my question i...
New Nikon F75 PDF Brochure available: penta-mirror
Feb 18, 2003 · Now, what I learned here is that Nikon SLR's have pentaprisms. The F80 has a 'true glass' pentaprism. The F75 has a Dach mirror pentaprism. However, the F65, depending on different sources, has either one or the other. Nikon only stated -AFAIK- that the F65 has a 'pentaprism'. But never specifies what type ?
Error in Nikkon F75 - Nikon - Photo.net
Sep 22, 2004 · I got a Nikkon F75 6 months back. Yesterday, I tried to shot, the . flash went up, I pressed the button. A sound of the shutter is there . but the film didn't advance and and "ERR" is blinking on the screen . appear along with the battery sign too. I shut it off and on again, the same problem persist. In the manual, it's advised to send it to ...
Oct 27, 2004 · I am a owner of the F75/N75. Well my camera's batteries are nearing exhaustion. the displays are showing half highlighted battery symbols. Well thats not a worry for me as I have new batteries with me always. What I am fearing is that the bateries get exhausted mid roll and then i have to change ...