Are nobles and vassals the same thing? - findanyanswer.com
Nobles can be both lord and vassal. Nobility was generally granted on feudal rights on a land. If a noble (noble 1) that have, for example, feudal rights on a big land (land A) gives feudal rights on a smaller part of this land (land A1) to another noble (noble 2), the latter becomes his vassal.
Vassal - Wikipedia
A vassal [1] or liege subject [2] is a person regarded as having a mutual obligation to a lord or monarch, in the context of the feudal system in medieval Europe. While the subordinate party is called a vassal, the dominant party is called a suzerain .
Vassal | Definition, Middle Ages, History, & Facts | Britannica
vassal, in feudal society, one invested with a fief in return for services to an overlord. Some vassals did not have fiefs and lived at their lord’s court as his household knights. Certain vassals who held their fiefs directly from the crown were tenants in chief and formed the most important feudal group, the barons.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord [EN] General Discussions - Steam Community
May 4, 2020 · On the clan screens some of the characters are listed as noblemen of a kingdom and some are listed as vassals and the noblemen stay in castles as governors and vassals wander the kingdom as armies. If you hire a clan with 3 noblemen and 1 vassal you only get 1 army and the other 3 all sit in a castle and do nothing.
Vassals - Mount & Blade Wiki | Fandom
A vassal is a servant of a ruler, and are usually lords of castles and villages. There are many vassals in the game, each one aligned to a certain faction. The player can become a vassal by swearing an oath to a king or by marrying into the family of one of his vassals.
Were Medieval European Nobles Vassals of Other Nobles?
Jul 2, 2019 · A noble could be vassal of a King, but just in a certain territory. The count of Normandy was a vassal of the King of French because of Normandy; however, when one of them conquered England and became king (William the Conqueror), the Kingdom of England was not subjected to the King of France.
Vassal vs Noble : r/Bannerlord - Reddit
Sep 23, 2023 · Vassals are clan leaders, they are the wants you convince. Then all the nobles in the clan come with them. Ahhhh thank you. So is my strategy that I’ve been using of imprisoning the nobles and then ransoming them but letting the vassals go a good idea or?
Nobles and Vassals - projecttesseract
Mar 10, 2015 · A vassal was originally a subordinate of any rank – in the sense that a noble was vassal to the king, and a serf vassal to the noble. From it we now derive valet, and worse still – varlet. A villain was originally a “villain”, quite simply a servant in a villa.
What is the difference between marrying nobles and marrying ... - Reddit
Oct 29, 2022 · Vassal's lead parties. I chose to marry another factions Vassal so if we ever fight that's -1 potential war party for them.
You can make companions into vassals, but not your family …
Nov 25, 2021 · If you really want your brother as a vassal, marry him to a female clan leader, then recruit the clan later. It's be pretty dum and way worse then having him as clan member, but you can do it.
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